Modeling Menu

Updated: 06/25/2024

This section describes the Modeling menu.

Item Details

Create Warp Deformer:
Create a warp deformer.
See the “Warp Deformer” page for detailed instructions.

New Rotation Deformer:
Create a rotation deformer.
See the “Rotation Deformer” page for detailed instructions.

Auto Generation of Deformer:
Opens the dialog box for auto deformer generation.
See the “Auto Generation of Deformer” page for detailed instructions.

Select Deformer for Parent:
Select the parent deformer of the selected element.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [D]

Delete Deformer and its Content:
Delete the selected deformer including its child elements.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Delete]

Apply deformer to child elements:
Delete the selected deformer and reflect the parameters, opacity, multiply color, and screen color to the child elements.

Validate Deformer:
Automatically verifies that child deformers and ArtMesh vertices do not extend beyond the parent warp deformers.
See the “Validate Deformer Function” page for detailed instructions.

Texture Mesh edit:
Switch to the Mesh Edit mode for the selected object.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [E]

Automatic Mesh generator:
Automatically generate an ArtMesh of the selected object.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [A]

Edit Texture Atlas:
Switch to the Texture Atlas Edit mode.
The first time this is selected, a Texture Atlas is created.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [T]

Switch between Source Image and Texture Atlas:
Toggle between the source image view and the texture atlas view.
Shortcut key [T]

Apply Texture Atlas to Source Image (Beta):
Textures can be replaced with PNG files from the Edit Texture Atlas.
See the “Exporting and replacing PNG files (beta)” page for detailed instructions.

Auto generation of facial motion:
• Generate a face deformer: Deformers can be automatically generated for the parts that are the target of [Auto generation of facial motion].
• Generate facial motion: Select the corresponding deformer and automatically generate “Angle X” and “Angle Y” motion.
See the “Auto generation of facial motion” page for detailed instructions.

Automatic Generation of Four Corner Forms:

The form of the four corners is automatically generated when parameters such as “Angle X” and “Angle Y” are combined.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [4]
See the “Automatic generation of four corner forms” page for detailed instructions.

Motion Inversion:
This function automatically inverts the keyform and reflects it in the parameters.
See the “Motion Inversion” page for detailed instructions.

Multiple Keys Editing:
Display the Multiple Keys Editing dialog box.
See the “Multiple Keys Editing” page for detailed instructions.

Bulk Reflect:
The key values of parameters can be inverted in a batch.
See the “Parameter Adjustment” page for detailed instructions.

Extended Interpolation:
You can change the interpolation between keyforms from linear interpolation to curvilinear interpolation.
See the “About Extended Interpolation” page for detailed instructions.

Auto generation of sway motion:
Opens the dialog box for the Auto generation of sway motion.
See the “Auto Generation of Sway Motion” page for detailed instructions.

Application of 3D rotation expression:
Opens the dialog box for applying a 3D rotation expression.
See the “Application of 3D rotation expression” page for detailed instructions.

Arrange Parameter Configuration for Selected Object:
Aligns the parameter configuration of the selected object.
See the “Parameter Adjustment” page for detailed instructions.

Reset to default values:
Reset all parameters to their default values.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [1]

Parameter settings:
Display parameter settings.

Lock Default Forms:
Lock the keyform set to the default value in the parameter.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [1]

Motion-sync Settings:
Display the Motion-sync Settings for the displayed model.
See the “Motion-sync” page for detailed instructions.

Settings for Eye Blinking and Lip-sync:
Display eye blinking and lip-sync settings for the displayed model.
See the “Creating Scenes with Background Music and Audio” page for detailed instructions.

Limit Settings for Blend Shape Weights:
Open a dialog box for setting Blend Shape weights.

Synchronize parameter values across tabs:
Selecting this check box synchronizes common parameter values for the model being displayed.

Validation of mapped parameters:
Open a dialog box to validate the number of parameters mapped to an object.

Item Details
ArtMesh Create ArtMesh for collision detection:
Generate an ArtMesh for the collision detection.
ArtPath <ArtPath Auto Generation Dialog>

Automatic generation from a single ArtMesh:
This function automatically generates an ArtPath around the perimeter of a single selected ArtMesh.

Automatic generation from multiple ArtMeshes:
This function automatically generates an ArtPath around the perimeter of multiple selected ArtMeshes.

<Highlight elements of ArtMesh>

Highlight color:
The “Color” of the line ArtMesh is reflected in the ArtPath.

Highlight opacity:
The “Opacity” of the line ArtMesh is reflected in the ArtPath.

Highlight line width:
The “Line Width” of the line ArtMesh is reflected in the ArtPath.

Highlight everything:
The “Color,” “Opacity,” and “Line Width” of the line ArtMesh are reflected in the ArtPath all at once.

Follow along the line of the ArtMesh:
The control points are automatically repositioned to follow the line ArtMesh.

Follow along the filled ArtMesh:
The control points are automatically repositioned to align with the filled ArtMesh.

Add control points to align with ArtMesh:
Control points are automatically added where they are missing.

Add a point in the middle of all control points:
This function adds a point in the middle of all control points of the ArtPath.

Add a point in the middle of the selected control points:
This function adds a point in the middle of the selected control points of the ArtPath.

Open ArtPath Auto Generation Dialog:
Display the ArtPath Auto Generation Dialog.

Create Deform Paths from ArtPath:
This function can automatically generate control points for deform paths based on the position of the control points of the ArtPath.

Bake deformation of ArtMesh to ArtPath:
This function allows you to burn in a shape so that the ArtPath follows the deformation applied to the ArtMesh.

Join ArtPaths:
This function connects the control points at the ends of two ArtPaths to form a single ArtMesh.

Split ArtPath:
This function selects a control point at the desired location on an ArtPath and cuts it off.

<Tracking Settings>

Follow all:
This function allows the ArtPath to follow the deformation applied to the ArtMesh in real time.

Cancel all:
Cancel all tracking that has been set.

Follow selected control points:
This function allows the selected control points of the ArtPath to follow the deformation applied to the ArtMesh in real time.

Release selected control point:
Cancels the tracking set for the selected control point of the ArtPath.

Open ArtPath Brush Settings dialog box:
Open the ArtPath Brush Settings dialog box.

See the “ArtPath Auto Generation Dialog” and “ArtPath Adjustment” pages to learn more about the various functions.
Glue Glue On/Off:
Toggle between on and off for glue.
See the “Glue” page for detailed instructions.
Skinning Skinning:
Perform skinning from a rotation deformer.

Use deform paths for Skinning:
Perform skinning from deform paths.

Create parameters for rotation deformer:
Generate parameters for rotation deformers.

See the “Skinning” page for detailed instructions.
Edit Form Invert:
Flips the selected object horizontally or vertically.
If a parameter is included, the parameter is also inverted.
See the “Edit Form” page for detailed instructions.

Zoom In/Zoom Out Specifying Magnification:
Scales an object to the specified magnification.

Revert to Original:
Restore the original shape of the ArtMesh.
See the “How to Edit” page for detailed instructions.

Shape warp deformer along Bezier handles:
Adjust the division points of the selected warp deformer so that it is smooth based on the Bezier handle position.
This is also useful for correcting the collapse of division points while deforming.
See the “How to Edit” page for detailed instructions.

Copy Form:
Copy the form of the object.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [C]

Paste Form:
Paste the form of the object.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [V]

Blend Form:
Blend the form of the object.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [B]

Options for Paste Form Special:
Open the Options for the Paste Form Special dialog box.

See the “Edit Form” page for detailed instructions.
Temporary deform tool Zoom In/Zoom Out:
Switch to the temporary deform tool to enlarge or shrink the size of the selected object.

Switch to the temporary deform tool to rotate the selected object.

Free transform:
Switch to the temporary deform tool to freely transform the selected object.

Perspective deformation:
Switch to the temporary deform tool to perform perspective deformation of the selected object.

Switch to the temporary deform tool to perform distortion deformation of the selected object.

Temporary warp deformation:
Switch to the temporary deform tool to perform temporary warp deformation of the selected object.

Add columns:
Increase the number of columns of temporary warp deformation.

Remove columns:
Reduce the number of columns of temporary warp deformation.

Add rows:
Increase the number of rows of temporary warp deformation.

Remove rows:
Reduce the number of rows of temporary warp deformation.

Temporary path deformation:
Switch to the temporary deform tool to deform the path of the selected object.

Deselect the temporary deform tool:
Deselects the temporary deform tool.

See the “Temporary Deform Tool” page for detailed instructions.
Clipping ID Select Clipping Mask:
Select the object that the selected object is using as a clipping mask.

Reverse Clipping:
Select an object that is using the selected object as a clipping mask.
Model template

Apply Template:
The dialog box opens to select the model template to be applied.
See the “How to apply model templates” page for detailed instructions.

Export Template:
Export the displayed model as a model template.
See the “Creating/exporting model templates” page for detailed instructions.

LockLock/unlock selected objects:
Lock/unlock the selected objects.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [2]

Lock the unselected objects:
Lock the unselected objects.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [2]

Unlock all:
Unlock all objects.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [2]

Note: This does not apply to parts.
Show/HideShow/hide selected objects:
Toggle between showing and hiding the selected objects.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [3]

Hide the unselected objects:
Hide the objects that are not selected.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [3]

Show all:
Display all objects.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [3]

Restore to latest visibility status:
Restore the last show/hide state.
Level editLevel 1 (refine):
Set the Level edit to 1.
Shortcut key [1]

Level 2 (normal):
Set the Level edit to 2.
Shortcut key [2]

Level 3 (rough):
Set the Level edit to 3.
Shortcut key [3]
Convert Model IDConvert part parameter IDs so that they can be opened in the previous version (Cubism Editor 2).
See the “ID Conversion” page for details.
Bulk setting of model objectsExport:
Information such as object names and IDs can be exported as CSV files.

Information such as object names and IDs can be imported as CSV files.

See the “CSV Export/Import” page for detailed instructions.
Bulk setting of model parametersExport:
Parameter settings can be exported as a CSV file.

Parameter settings can be imported as a CSV file.

See the “CSV Export/Import” page for detailed instructions.
Physics SettingsOpen the Physics Settings screen.
For detailed instructions on how to use the Physics Settings, see the “Physics settings” and “How to set up physics” pages.
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