Download (Cubism 5 AE Plugin)

Updated: 07/18/2024

Please review the Terms of Use and download the file.

Terms of Use

The application is subject to the Editor’s Terms of Use.
Please be sure to read the Editor’s Software License Agreement before downloading and starting the software.
By downloading or launching the software, you are deemed to have agreed to the Terms of Use.

To use the AE plug-in, you must install and activate the Cubism Editor license. For information on how to install and activate Cubism Editor, please refer to the following.
Launch Cubism Editor

If your Cubism Editor license is not activated

If the Cubism Editor license is not activated, an error message will appear.
In that case, please authenticate your license with Cubism Editor and restart After Effects.


If the activation is disabled, the loaded model will be watermarked with a cross mark and logo.
(It is possible to confirm the operation of Cubism Controllers, etc.)


Please visit the following page to download the file(s).

“AE Plug-in Download”

Please feel free to contact the community regarding any problems or requests.
Live2D Community

Supported Versions of After Effects

The latest version of Cubism_4_AE_Plugin supports the following two versions.

  • After Effects 2024 (v24)
  • After Effects 2023 (v23)

“Multi-frame rendering” implemented from After Effects 2022 is not supported.
We are currently working on a response.

Notes on Live2D Cubism 5 AE Plugin beta Version

  • Since this is a beta version, we may not be able to guarantee compatibility with the official version.
    We will do our best to accommodate you, but we ask for your understanding in advance.
  • We recommend that you make a backup of your data, just in case.

Update Information

Note: Some translations may take time.


[07/18/2024] Live2D Cubism 5 AE Plugin R4 beta1

《 Additional functions 》

  • Implemented the feature to reflect the “Mask” in After Effects to the drawing.

[04/10/2024] Live2D Cubism 5 AE PluginR3

《 Additional functions 》

  • Updated SDK.
    • Cubism 5 SDK for Native R1
    • Cubism 5 SDK for Web R1

《 Improvement items 》

  • Fixed a bug in which models were not displayed in Cubisim Tracker when the .cdi3.json file set to “DisplayInfo” in .model3.json could not be read.


[03/07/2024] Live2D Cubism 5 AE Plugin R3 beta1

《 Additional functions 》

  • Updated SDK.
    • Cubism 5 SDK for Native R1 beta4
    • Cubism 5 SDK for Web R1 beta4

《 Improvement items 》

  • Fixed a bug that prevented license authentication under certain circumstances.

[12/26/2023] Live2D Cubism 5 AE Plugin R2

《 Additional functions 》

  • After Effects 2024 is now supported.

《 Improvement items 》

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the use of plug-ins with a Cubism 5 trial license.

[09/21/2023] Live2D Cubism 5 AE Plugin R1

《 Improvement items 》

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Model Settings dialog box to open when updating footage (model) files.
  • Fixed a bug that caused garbled text in the Model Settings dialog box when adding a model whose file name contains non-ASCII characters.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the adding of models with long file names.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause AE to crash if all the contents of .model3.json were deleted and saved in a text editor, etc. while effects were being applied.
  • Fixed the message in the error dialog box when the .physics3.json file cannot be read.
    • Fixed a bug in which invalid strings were displayed instead of the target file name.
    • Fixed a bug that caused an “unexpected error” to be displayed.

[08/17/2023] Live2D Cubism 5 AE Plugin R1 beta1

《 Additional functions 》

  • Added the footage (or canvas) resizing function.
    SDK update: Cubism 5 SDK for Native R1 beta1
    SDK update: Cubism 5 SDK for Web R1 beta1

Click here for the Update History of Cubism 4 series and earlier.

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