Update history

Updated: 02/04/2025

You can also download the latest Cubism Editor here.

Note: Some translations may take time.

Note: Updates to the beta version are also reflected in the official version.

5.2.00 (02/04/2025)


《 Improvement items 》

  • Fixed a problem in which the icon display sometimes did not become selected when using the arrow tool.
  • Fixed a problem in which tools for the Modeling View could be selected in the Animation View.
  • Fixed a problem in which when an object was selected using the [Ctrl] or [Shift] keys in the Part Deformer palette, the selection state was not reflected in the other palette.
  • Fixed a problem in which the Parameter Controller tool remained displayed in the Tool Details palette when switching from Animation View to Modeling View.


《 Improvement items 》

  • Fixed a problem in which adding control points to an art path with [Connect Endpoints] enabled could result in an incorrect shape.
  • Fixed a problem in the FREE version where new normal parameters could not be created for models containing 3 or more parameters for blendshapes.
  • Fixed a bug in art path, glue, and mesh editing where the tool’s brush size could not be changed by dragging up and down.
  • Fixed a problem in which pasting multiple object forms could not be performed on blendshape keys.
  • Fixed the behavior of copying, pasting, and blending forms by partially selecting warp deformer vertices when “Vertex Info” and “Reverse Coordinates” are enabled in the form’s special paste options and “Reverse Back and Forth” is enabled in the warp deformer tab, so that the behavior is more intuitive.
  • Fixed a problem in which changing the degree of application in the form’s blend preview did not result in the expected behavior when the axes were set to “Auto Set” and “Center of Selected Object” with “Vertex Info” and “Invert Coordinates” enabled in the form’s special paste options.
  • Fixed a bug in which the expected behavior did not occur when either the source or destination object of a form did not have a parent deformer when “Vertex Info” and “Invert Coordinates” were enabled in the form’s special paste options.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the selection state of objects to be different than expected in some cases before and after pasting/blending a form.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the child object to be affected by the parent deformer twice, resulting in different behavior than expected, when the following operations were performed with “Vertex Info” and “Invert Coordinates” enabled in the form’s special paste options.
    ・Select multiple objects in a deformer parent-child relationship and copy the form.
    ・Paste/blend the form to another multiple object (e.g. symmetrical) that has the same parent-child relationship as above.


《 Additional functions 》

  • Parameter controller limitations in the following beta versions have been addressed.
    ・Target tracking results are now reflected in the onion skin.
    ・Target tracking now tracks correctly even when the target model track is hidden.
  • Added the ability to optimize keyframe curves for multiple selected keyframes.

《 Improvement items 》

  • Fixed a problem in which parameter values to which the results of parameter controller tracking were applied could not be copied under Copy Parameter Values.
  • Fixed a problem in which the timeline palette display was not properly updated when Undo was performed after adding a keyframe in the view.
  • Fixed a problem in which keyframe transcription did not work properly when the indicator position and frame selection were different in the Loop Edit Assist function.
  • Changed so that the starting art mesh name is used for the name of the direction controller.
  • In Convert Two Single Point Controllers to Direction Controllers, changed so that the name of the converted direction controller uses the controller name of the starting point.
  • Under Invert Direction Controllers, the name of the inverted direction controller was changed to use the name before the inversion.
  • Changed the mouse cursor when creating a parameter controller to a cursor that is easier to locate.
  • When duplicating a model track or scene, the parameter controller is now also duplicated.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an error log to be output when deleting a model track with a controller set.
  • Fixed a bug where scene information was sometimes not displayed in the Inspector palette.
  • All controllers are now deleted after performing an animation bake of a parameter controller.
    Also, the target tracking enabled state is no longer changed when performing an animation bake.”
  • When creating a parameter controller, it is now created with the previously specified color.
  • The loop editing assistance function can now be enabled/disabled using a keyboard shortcut setting.
  • Fixed a problem in which target tracking was not enabled when creating a scene track from a scene using Target Tracking for Parameter Controllers.
  • In the Image/Movie Export dialog, it is now possible to select ON/OFF for [Target Tracking of Parameter Controllers] in the dialog.
  • Fixed a problem in which a parameter controller could not be selected when it overlapped a bounding box that was hidden.
  • Parameter controllers are now hidden when “Hide Selection” is enabled.
  • Fixed a problem in the inspector palette of the parameter controller where automatic grouping and parameter settings could not be undone.
  • Fixed a problem with parameter controllers that caused incorrect coordinate calculations and arrows in the target relationship display when targeting a controller that had been disabled due to model replacement or other reasons.
  • Added the ability to set keyboard shortcuts for parameter controller functions.
  • Fixed a problem that caused incorrect time display when the indicator in the timeline palette was moved before frame 0.
  • Fixed a problem in which freeze could not be enabled when target tracking was enabled for the parameter controller.
  • Fixed a problem in which keyframes could be set by dragging the parameter controller for parameters that were locked or frozen.
  • Fixed a problem in which hidden parameter controllers could be manipulated.
  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect results for target tracking of parameter controllers when switching between enable/disable settings for form animation.
  • Fixed a bug in which an error log was output when a parameter controller was selected when reading .paramctrl3.json.
  • Changed the Timeline palette so that the Enable Move Indicator Outside Scene Area is enabled by default.
  • Allowed parameter controllers to change the art mesh referenced by a single point controller.
  • Allowed parameter controllers to be deleted on a track.
  • Parameter controllers now support copy, cut, and paste operations.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause erratic display and incorrect keyframe values during parameter controller baking and playback.
  • The [Show before frame 0] setting is now retained even after the editor is restarted.
  • The timeline scroll position is now retained when switching scenes.
  • Fixed a problem that caused incorrect timelines for parameters, parameter groups, and parts when replacing or reloading .model3.json in the embedded model track.

Cubism Viewer

《 Improvement items 》

  • Fixed a problem in which fade values in the .model3.json file were not always reflected during motion playback.
  • Fixed a problem in which fade-in would not occur even during non-loop playback when the motion’s [Fade-in during loop playback] was disabled.
  • Changed the notification text when a .motion3.json file could not be loaded as a motion for facial expressions to be more clear.
  • If the fade value is not set in the .motion3.json file, the fade value is now displayed as “Not set”.
  • Fixed a problem in which [Stop Motion] in the Edit menu was not applied when motion loop playback was enabled.
  • Fixed a problem in which the motion file tree would look incorrect when the group name was changed.

5.2.00 beta1 (12/17/2024)


《 Additional functions 》

  • An item to clear [Recently opened files] has been added to the Environment settings dialog box.

《 Improvement items 》

  • Fixed a bug that caused tool details to remain in the mesh editing state when a different model was displayed during manual mesh editing.
  • PSD files can now be added to the Favorites list in the Home [File] category.
  • <Windows version> Editor timer accuracy has been improved, making it easier to stabilize FPS values for operations such as previews in the Physics settings dialog box.
  • Fixed a bug in which the deformer palette could be shown/hidden and locked/unlocked by right-dragging.
  • When [Expand tree when selected] on the deformer palette is toggled ON, the tree now scrolls to the currently selected item.


《 Additional functions 》

  • Added an option to the Options for Paste Form Special dialog box to invert and paste/blend the object’s shape.
  • Added the ability to arbitrarily change combinations to be applied when pasting and blending forms on multiple objects.
  • The [Revert to original] function in the Modeling menu now supports deformers.
  • Added the [Prohibit drag and drop] button to the Parts, Deformer, and Parameter palettes.
  • Added the ability to select objects associated with parameter keys.
  • Added the ability to list the [Angle] and [Scale] settings for placed images in the Edit Texture Atlas dialog box.
  • Intervals can now be set in the Physics Settings dialog box for playlist playback and scene transitions.
  • Added the ability to filter by part in the model guide image list in the Edit Texture Atlas dialog box.
  • Added the ability to select character encoding from “UTF-8” and “Shift_JIS” when exporting and importing CSVs.

《 Improvement items 》

  • The name, drawing order, and addition position when creating ArtPaths have been modified to be consistent between [Add control point] and [Stroke ArtPath].
  • The order of some items in the [Create Warp Deformer] dialog box has been corrected.
  • <Mac version> The display position of the MOC3 file export settings dialog box has been corrected so that it is centered in the main window.
  • Fixed a problem that allowed control points of deformation paths created outside the range of the mesh to be moved when the default form was locked.
  • Fixed a problem in which objects were not always visible in the view when a warp deformer was created as the parent of a warp deformer with extended interpolation set.
  • Fixed a problem in which keyboard shortcut settings were not always reflected in the non-modal dialog box.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect position and vertex numbers when adding control points to an ArtPath.
  • Fixed a problem in which an incorrect message was displayed when deleting a part while using [Filter by Text] in the Parts palette.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the orbit of a vertex to be displayed when [Hide selection state] in the [Show] menu and the onion skin were enabled and “Orbit of the currently selected vertex” was displayed.
  • Fixed a problem in which [Delete all keys] on the parameter palette did not work with keyboard shortcuts.
  • Keyboard shortcuts can now be set for [Show/hide guide image].
  • Fixed a problem in which the maximum and minimum display scales were different when the button was pressed and when the mouse wheel was used for expansion and contraction in the preview screen of the Model template application settings dialog box.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed “-0.0” to be set as a parameter value.
  • Fixed a problem in which the maximum and minimum display scales were different when the button was pressed and when the mouse wheel was used for expansion and contraction in the Edit Texture Atlas dialog box.
  • Fixed a problem in which the Extended Interpolation dialog box display was sometimes not updated properly when selecting a parameter for a blend shape that did not have extended interpolation set.
  • Fixed a bug in the Auto generation of sway motion dialog box where the list was not updated when an object/parameter registered in the list disappeared due to an Undo operation.
  • Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented automatic mesh generation for ArtMeshes under certain conditions.
  • Made a change so that vertices are not created when “Delete Vertex/Edges (line)” is used in manual mesh editing.
  • Fixed a problem in which the show/hide and lock/unlock items of the Parts palette could be switched by right-clicking or right-dragging.
  • Limited the maximum canvas size to 30,000.
  • When multiple parameters are selected in the Parameter palette to create a parameter group, the parameters are now stored in the created group.
  • The [Edit Form] items in the [Modeling] menu have been adjusted.
  • Fixed a bug in which [Ctrl] + drag or [Shift] + drag on the parts pallet and deformer palette would result in a display with multiple parts or deformers selected on the palette.
  • The Physics Settings dialog box has been modified so that the model breathes in the preview while the scene is playing.
  • Improved the phenomenon in which the coordinates were out of alignment when a control point was added to an ArtPath with a parent deformer set.
  • Fixed a problem in which when the canvas was inverted and the brush size was changed by pressing the [B] key and dragging the mouse pointer, the brush size was also inverted.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the .cdi3.json file from being exported after parameters were linked in a specific procedure.
  • Fixed a bug in which linking parameters in a specific procedure would change the information about the linkage in the .cdi3.json file.
  • Changed the ArtPath disconnecting/connecting tool to make it easier to use.
  • <Mac version> Fixed a bug in which keyboard shortcuts could not be executed when the [Options for Paste Form Special] dialog box was active.


《 Additional functions 》

  • A “Parameter Controller” function has been added.
    Limitations in the beta version:
    • Target tracking results are not applied to the onion skin.
    • Target tracking is not performed correctly when the target model track is not displayed.
    The above limitations will be addressed in the release version.
  • To aid in the editing of loop motion, the ability was added to automatically place keys set on a scene range before and after the scene range.
    • Added the ability to display frames before frame 0 in the timeline palette.
    • Added the ability to manipulate indicators in the timeline palette outside the range of a scene.
  • Added the frame rate setting field to the Video Output Settings dialog box.
  • For recording (multi-frame) made in external application integration, a function to automatically create optimal curves has been added.

《 Improvement items 》

  • After saving a model file associated with an animation file under a different name, when closing the animation file, a dialog box confirming that the file should be saved is now displayed.
  • Fixed a problem in which the Shy and Freeze buttons could be toggled on and off by right-clicking and right-dragging.
  • Fixed a bug that made it difficult to turn on/off the track display and lock buttons.
  • Fixed a bug in which a menu to delete the Form Edit property group could be displayed for property groups other than Form Edit.

Cubism Viewer

《 Additional functions 》

  • Motions in the resource area are now displayed in a tree view by group name.
  • Added the ability to batch-change motion group names.

《 Improvement items 》

  • Changed the playback engine to Cubism SDK for Java.
  • Made a fix so that when a motion is reloaded or deleted, the setting item area is properly updated.

Click here for the Update history of the Cubism 5.1 series and earlier.

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