FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Updated: 05/21/2024

On this page, you will find questions and answers about how to use Cubism Editor and check its specifications.
Please refer to this page if you are considering using this system.

Please also check out the Live2D Help, which has been redesigned to be more user-friendly, including searching by category.

Important notice

CMO3, CAN3, and CMP3 files are backward compatible.
Please note the following points, as older files can be used with newer versions, but the reverse is not supported.

Model files, animation files, and part files created or saved with a newer version of the Editor may not open properly with older versions of the Editor and may become corrupted. When you edit data created with a newer version of the Editor with an older version of the Editor, you do so at your own risk.

• If you are using the macOS version and experiencing freezing, please refer to the following section.

Q28. Why does Cubism Editor for macOS sometimes freeze when I try to use it?

• For more information on the target version, please see the following section.

Q29. When I load a model, I am asked which target version to use.

Q1. What does the software do?

A1. Live2D Cubism is a software program that creates stereoscopic expressions on a single picture in full “2D.”

See the product page for details.
Cubism Product Page

Q2. Is there a manual? / How do I use the software?

A2. Yes, there is a manual. We are here to help you.

Please refer to the Top page of the product manual.
Cubism Editor Manual

Please refer to our tutorial page for video and other explanations of the model creation process.
Cubism Editor Tutorial

Q3. What are the required and recommended environments?

A3. Yes. We are here to help you.

Please refer to the Cubism Editor operating requirements on the following page.
Cubism Editor Operating Requirements

Q4. Is there a Mac version?

A4. Yes.

Please refer to the following page.
Cubism Editor Operating Requirements

Q5. Can I load a Cubism 2.1 model?

A5. It is possible to load the data.

When a CMOX file is loaded into Cubism 3, the order of the Parts palette is forced to be reversed.
In addition, IDs, etc. can be used without modification in accordance with script support in 3.X or later.
Therefore, the ID has been changed to the following specifications.

• Only single-byte alphanumeric characters and _ (underscore)
• 63 characters or less
• Start with other than numbers.

Please note that when the 2.1 model (CMOX) is loaded, it will be converted as follows.

ID values set by the user that can be set according to 2.1 specificationsTypeAfter conversion

*1 Same specifications for both rotation and curved surface

Q6. Can data be exported for use in Cubism 2.1?

A6. Export is possible in Cubism 3.

Export is basically possible in Cubism 3.
However, there are some limitations, so please check the following notes on conversion.
For example, if you want to use data created with Cubism 3 in “Viewer” or other applications, you need to convert it to IDs for 2.1.

[Notes on conversion]

  1. Implemented export of Cubism 2.1 CMOX files.
    Please note that the association with the PSD source image will be broken.
    (This may be addressed in the future.)
  2. In 2.1, the division number of a warp deformer transformation is set as the same value as the division number of a Bezier.
    3.0 allows direct editing of the division points for conversion, so such a conversion is necessary to keep the representation the same as in 2.1.
    Note: However, if the division number of conversions is extremely large, such as for video, the operation will be slow because handles are set for all control points.
  3. Deform paths will not be converted for 2.1 and will be deleted.
    Other new features and settings in 3.0 will not be converted or reflected.

Q7. Can Euclid data be read?

A7. No. There is no compatibility.

Unfortunately, there is no data compatibility between the two formats. Thank you for your understanding.

Q8. Is there a Viewer?

A8. Yes.

Viewer has integrated some functions including “Physics” from Cubism 3 into Editor.

Q9. What is Glue? How do you use it?

A9. Glue is a function that automatically attaches the vertices of ArtMeshes to each other.

The weight (percentage of adhesion) is also adjustable, and the percentage can be changed gradually.
See “Glue” for more information.

Q10. I can’t find Animator…

A10. Since Cubism 3, it has been integrated.

The Modeler, Animator, and Viewer (some functions) of Cubism 2.1 have been integrated in Cubism 3 and can be managed in one Editor.

Q11. Does the software support video export?

A11. Yes.

See “Image and Video Export” for details.

Q12. I found a possible bug…

A12. We are very sorry. Please contact the community for support.

The community can be found here.

Q13. Is there a dedicated community?

A13. Yes.

We have a community for Live2D. Please join us.

Q14. Are non-Japanese language manuals available?

A14. Yes, we support English, Chinese, and Korean.

Please use the language selector at the top of the manual page.

Q15. Do you have any books available?

A15. Yes.

“Live2D Textbook: Full-fledged Animation Created from Still Illustrations”
Release date: September 10, 2019
Publisher: MdN Corporation

Q16. Does the interface support four languages?

A16. Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean are supported.

Please use the installer for the desired language when downloading.

Q17. Can the model I created be loaded into the AE plug-in?

A17. This is supported in Cubism 3 or later.

For more information, see “About AE plug-in.”

Q18. Can I make models for VR?

A18. Yes.

The model structure itself is basically the same, although it varies depending on the specifications.

Q19. I cannot edit an ArtMesh properly.

A19. We are very sorry. This may be a bug up to version 3.0.04. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please try the following recovery methods.

Until 3.0.04, it was possible to reduce the number of points in the ArtMesh to two or less during mesh editing, and subsequent operations could not be performed properly with less than two points.

In 3.0.05, it has been changed so that you cannot complete mesh editing if you have only two or fewer vertices.
Please use either method A or B below to restore an ArtMesh created before 3.0.04 that cannot be edited properly.

[Recovery Method A]

  1. Select and delete the ArtMesh in an incorrect state from the Parts palette.
  2. From the project palette -> Model Guide Image, select the image you wish to restore and right-click to “Create ArtMesh.”
    This operation generates the ArtMesh in its initial state.

[Recovery Method B]

  1. Select an ArtMesh in an incorrect state from the Parts palette.
  2. Press the “Edit Mesh manually” button to begin editing.
  3. Switch to “Model Guide Image Display.” (The image and mesh become visible at this stage.)
  4. Edit the mesh to make at least three appropriate shapes. (From now on, mesh editing cannot be completed with less than two points.)
  5. Complete mesh editing.
  6. If the texture does not display properly, press T twice to bring the source image into view.
    (Or, go to the “Modeling” menu -> “Texture” -> “Switch between Source Image and Texture Atlas” twice.)

Q20. I loaded a CMOX file, but the color of the model is slightly different.

A20. The texture display method has been slightly changed since Cubism 3.0. If you experience a change in color, please try the following recovery method.

[Recovery Method]

  1. Click on “Edit Texture Atlas” on the toolbar.
  2. Click “OK” as it is.
  3. The texture atlas is updated and color restored.

Q21. I cannot load an audio file.

A21. BGM and audio files can only be used in WAV format; mp3 and other formats are not yet supported.

Only WAV format can be used for background music and audio files. Some formats, even the supported [WAV format], are not supported and may not be loaded, with a warning.
In such cases, encoding to the corresponding [WAV format (16bit, 44100Hz)] may allow loading.
Also, make sure that the WAV file is not an RF64-compatible file (RF64-compliant File Format). For information on how not to export as an RF64-compatible file, please check the manual of the application that exports the audio, etc.

Q22. The model does not appear in the View area.

A22. It is possible that some layers in the “Source Image” have broken links.

If model information is displayed in the parts and deformer palettes, recovery may be possible.
Please refer to “Linking source image to model guide image” for information on how to recover the images.

Q23. Is there a FREE version? And what is the difference from the PRO version?

A23. Yes.

Download it here. For details on the differences between the FREE version and the PRO version, please refer to the “Feature Comparison List.” A free trial version of the PRO version is also available!

Q24. My model does not move in Viewer or FaceRig.

A24. You need to change the parameter ID for version 2.1.

If a model created with Cubism 3 is converted to 2.1, ID conversion is required.
The IDs used in Viewer and FaceRig are Cubism 2.1 specifications, so the model will not work with Cubism 3 IDs.

See “ID conversion” for information on how to convert IDs.

Q25. The Editor does not start.

A25. In some cases, updating the graphics driver seems to solve the problem.

“CUB3-1293=OpenGL initialization failed. Please make sure your computer meets the operating requirements.”
The above message may appear and the startup may fail.
This is a warning for environments where OpenGL 3 is not available, but updating the graphics driver seems to solve this problem in some cases.
Make sure you have the latest graphics drivers installed.

For details, please refer to “What to check if the Editor does not start up properly.”

Q26. Shortcut keys using numbers do not work.

A26. The numeric keys on the top row and the numeric keys on the numeric keypad are treated as separate keys.

The shortcut keys in Cubism Editor treat the numeric keys that line the top of the keyboard and the numeric keys that line the numeric keypad as separate keys.
See “List of Shortcut Keys” for details.

Q27. Why does Cubism Editor for macOS sometimes freeze when I try to use it?

A27. Turning off resident applications that affect mouse operations, etc. may solve the problem.

Cubism Editor freezes when using resident applications that affect mouse operations.
If you experience this problem, please use Cubism Editor with the resident application turned off.

The following applications are currently known to lead to this problem.

  • PopClip
  • BetterTouchTool
  • BetterSnapTool
  • Magnet
  • Rectangle
  • Logitech Options

Q28. When I load a model in Cubism Editor 3, it asks me which target version to use.

A28. Select “Cubism3.0(3.2)” if you want to use 3.0 SDK in your project.

[Setting for the target version of the model]
• Cubism3.0 (3.2): 
 Set this if you want to use the same expression as in the previous version.
 For 3.3 or earlier SDK, please use this.
• Cubism3.3: 
 Set this if you want to use the functions introduced in 3.3.
 For 3.3 SDK, please use this.
 Note that the only new feature in 3.3 that affects the SDK is [Warp Deformer Conversion].
 Models created with versions up to 3.2 can be created with the target version of [Cubism3.3] without any problems, but if you continue to use the 3.3 or earlier SDK, specify the export version as [SDK 3.0 / Cubism3.0 (3.2) compatible] in the MOC3 export settings.

 Please refer to “Warp Deformer Conversion” for some notes on warp deformer conversion.

If you would like to search by category, please also see the “Live2D Help.”

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