Form Animation (FA) Menu

Updated: 05/19/2022

This section describes the Form Animation menu.

DeformerSelect Deformer for Parent:
Selects the deformer for the parent of the selected object.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [D]
Temporary deform toolZoom In/Zoom Out:
Switch to the temporary deform tool to enlarge or shrink the size of the selected object.

Switch to the temporary deform tool to rotate the selected object.

Free transform:
Switch to the temporary deform tool to freely transform the selected object.

Perspective deformation:
Switch to the temporary deform tool to perform perspective deformation of the selected object.

Switch to the temporary deform tool to perform distortion deformation of the selected object.

Temporary warp deformation:
Switch to the temporary deform tool to perform temporary warp deformation of the selected object.

Temporary path deformation:
Switch to the temporary deform tool to deform the path of the selected object.

Deselect the temporary deform tool:
Release the temporary deform tool. See the “Temporary Deform Tool” page for detailed instructions.
LockLock/unlock selected objects:
Toggles the lock status of the selected object.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [2]

Lock the unselected objects:
Lock all unselected objects.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [2]

Unlock all:
Unlock all objects.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [2]
Show/HideShow/hide selected objects:
Toggles the display state of the selected object.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [3]

Hide the unselected objects:
Hide all unselected objects.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [3]

Show all:
Display all objects.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [3]

Restore to latest visibility status:
Restore the last show/hide state.
Level editToggles the Level edit.

Level 1 (refine):
Shortcut key [1]

Level 2 (normal):
Shortcut key [2]

Level 3 (rough):
Shortcut key [3]
Add form edit keyframe Add the form edit keyframe of the selected object to the property group.
Animation preview setting Open the Animation preview setting dialog box.
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