File Menu

Updated: 12/17/2024

This section describes the File menu.

Item Details
New Models:
Create new model data.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [N]

Create new animation data.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N]
Open Open a file that has already been created.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [O]
Open Recent File Open the previously opened file.
Shortcut keys [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [O]
Recent Files Open recently opened files.
Close Close the currently displayed file.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [W]
Close all Close all currently open files.
Save Save the currently displayed file.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [S]
Save as Save the currently displayed file with a different file name.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [S]
Image and Video Export

Export the displayed model as a PNG image.

GIF animation:
Export the currently displayed scene as a GIF animation.

Still image (sequential number):
Export the currently displayed scene as a sequentially numbered still image.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [I]

PSD images (beta):
Export the displayed model as a PSD image.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [P]

Export the currently displayed scene as a video.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [M]
See “Image and Video Export” for details.

Export Embedded File

Export as MOC3 file:
Export the currently displayed model as a MOC3 file.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [S]

Export Physics settings:
Export the physics settings for the currently displayed model.

Export motion file:
Export the currently displayed animation data as a motion file.
Shortcut keys [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + [S]

See “Data for embedded use” for details.
Environment settings You can configure various Cubism Editor settings.
See “Environment settings” for details.
Keyboard Shortcuts Set keyboard shortcuts.
Shortcut keys [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + [K]
See “List of Shortcut Keys” for details.
External application integration settings Displays external application integration settings.
See “External Application Integration” for details.
Model Statistics Display the model statistics.
Canvas settings Set the canvas size.
The maximum canvas size is 30,000 pixels. It cannot be set to a size larger than that.
Resize Model Resize the model.
Exit Exit Cubism Editor.
Shortcut key [Alt] + [F4]

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