Introduction of New Features 5.1

Updated: 06/25/2024

Live2D Cubism has undergone a major update to version 5.1!
Please see below for detailed information about the new features.

Enhancement of the Model Template Function

The “Model Template” function has been enhanced!

It is now possible to apply templates to individual parts, allowing for fine adjustments. Additionally, new universally usable templates have been added, enhancing convenience.

For more details, please refer to “About Model Templates.

Integration with External Applications

The “Integration with External Applications” feature has been added!

This feature allows communication with external applications, enabling interaction with the editor. You can set and retrieve model parameter values. It is also integrated with nizima LIVE, so please give it a try.

Additionally, a “Sample of External Applications” is also available on Live2D GARAGE.

For more details, please refer to “Integration with External Applications.

Application of 3D Expression

This feature allows you to instantly generate shapes with 3D rotation. It simplifies the creation of base movements when making rotational movements in the X and Y directions.

For more details, please refer to “Application of 3D Expression.

[AI Feature] Automatic Generation of Deformers

This feature automatically generates the deformer structure for full-body humanoid models. You can quickly create a deformer structure right after importing the PSD file.

For more details, please refer to “Automatic Generation of Deformers.

[AI Feature] Automatic Generation of Swaying Movements

You can automatically generate swaying movements for items such as accessories and hair. You can also adjust the degree of swaying in the dialog box.

It can also be applied to blend shapes.

For more details, please refer to “Automatic Generation of Swaying Movements.

Home Screen

It provides comprehensive information for a wide range of users, from beginners to advanced, including creating and managing files, learning content such as manuals and tutorials, official announcements and related service introductions, and updates on Cubism Editor.

For more details, please refer to the “Home Screen.

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