Live2D Cubism Manual
Updated: 07/20/2023
This is the Live2D Cubism manual website.
For a detailed product introduction, please refer to the official Cubism website.
Official Live2D Cubism Website
Notes on using Cubism Editor
cmo3, can3, and cmp3 files are backward compatible.
Please note the following points, as older files can be used with newer versions, but the reverse is not supported.
Model files, animation files, and part files created or saved with a newer version of the Editor may not open properly with older versions of the Editor and may become corrupted. When you edit data created with a newer version of the Editor with an older version of the Editor, you do so at your own risk.
How to Use the Manual
If you have any questions about Cubism, please feel free to refer to this page.
It is structured in such a way that it can be understood without having to read it in order from the beginning.
If you are new to Live2D or just want to learn how to create a model, please visit our tutorial website first.

Manual List

[Key info]
You can also download the latest Cubism Editor here.

Notes on the update version 3.3
[Note when exporting the model]
Live2D models created with the latest Cubism 3.3 cannot be loaded by third-party applications that do not support Cubism 3.3.
Please check carefully if your product is compatible with the Cubism 3.3 model.
“Notes for Updating to Cubism 3.3 or Later”
Manual Update Information
[07/20/2023] : Update information of Live2D Cubism 4 AE Plugin R9 was added to “Download“.
[06/20/2023]: Details of Ver. 4.2.04 were added to “Update History.”
[06/20/2023]: Update information of Live2D Cubism 4 AE Plugin R9 beta1 was added to “Download“.
[06/20/2023]: Added “Mask Function” to “Cubism 4 AE Plugin”.
[05/30/2023]: A description of the [Synchronize selections with the canvas] function was added to “Search and Replace Objects.”
[05/30/2023]: Precautions regarding verify placement were added to “Edit Texture Atlas.”
[05/30/2023]: Details of Ver. 4.2.04 beta5 were added to “Update History.”
[05/25/2023]: Updated the “Update History” page of Cubism Viewer for Unity.
[03/17/2023]: Added update information on Live2D Cubism 4 AE Plug-in R8 to “Downloads.”
[03/17/2023]: Updated the “Our response to the Cubism Core Vulnerability” page.
[03/16/2023]: Ver. 1.00.02 information was added to “Verification Tool.”
[03/16/2023]: Details of Ver. 4.2.04 beta4/4.2.03_2 were added to “Update History.”
[03/10/2023]: Ver. 1.00.01 information was added to “Verification Tool.”
[03/10/2023]: Details of Ver. 4.2.04 beta3/4.2.03_1 were added to “Update History.”
[03/09/2023]: New page on “Our response to the Cubism Core Vulnerability” is now available.
[03/09/2023]: New page on “Verification Tool” is now available.
[03/02/2023]: A description of cutting was added to the “Graph Editor” section.
[03/02/2023]: [Verification of placement] was added to [Edit Texture Atlas].
[02/02/2023]: Details of size settings were added to the “Warp Deformer.”
[02/02/2023]: [Live2D Help] was added to the “Help Menu.”
[02/02/2023]: A note was added to “Data for Embedded Use.”
[02/02/2023]: “Delete deformer and apply parameters to child elements” in “Modeling Menu” was changed to “Apply deformer to child elements.”
[02/02/2023]: Revised “List of Shortcut Keys” to be up to date.
[02/02/2023]: [Verification of placement] was added to [Edit Texture Atlas].
[02/02/2023]: A description of the adjustment for the display area of parameter names was added to “Parameter Palette.”
[02/02/2023]: [PSD Import Settings] was added to “Import PSDs.”
[01/31/2023] Site renewed.
- Improved visibility and operability.
- Improved and optimized the display on smartphones and tablets.
- Added comment functionality.
- Significantly improved translation accuracy.
[01/26/2023]: Details of Ver. 4.2.03 were added to the “Update History.”
[12/20/2022]: Details of Ver4.2.02 were added to the “Update History.”
[12/20/2022]: Added a description of error messages to “Launch Cubism Editor.”
[12/02/2022]: Added a DL link for Sample Project 2 to the “About AE Plug-in” of Cubism 4 AE Plug-in.
[11/29/2022]: Added a description of the [Validate Mapped Parameters] function to “Add/Delete Keys to/from Parameters” and “Modeling Menu.”
[11/29/2022]: Added a label color description to “Deformer Palette” and “File Menu.”
[11/29/2022]: Added a description about [Show recently opened files with their full paths] to “File Menu.”
[11/29/2022]: Added descriptions of the following points about [Clipping ID] to “Clipping Mask” and “Modeling Menu.”
• Select Clipping Mask
• Reverse Clipping
• Add and delete objects from the parts tree
[11/29/2022]: Added a description of the display area for parameter names to “Timeline Palette.”
[11/29/2022]: Added a description of [Shuffle Playback] to the “Physics and Scene Blending Settings” section.
[11/29/2022]: Added a note to “Scene Management and Settings” regarding the name change from [Replace Scene Track with Image Sequence Tracks] to [Create Image Sequence Track from Scene Track].
[11/29/2022]: Revised “List of Shortcut Keys” to be up to date.
[11/21/2022]: Added a link to the SDK manual in the “Repeat” tips section.
[11/01/2022]: Added update information on Live2D Cubism 4 AE Plug-in R7 to “Downloads.”
[10/13/2022]: Added a note to “How to Set Up Physics.”
[10/13/2022]: Details of Ver4.2.02 beta1 were added to the “Update History.”
[10/13/2022]: Added a note to “About Extended Interpolation.”
[09/27/2022]: Added [Level edit] to “List of Shortcut Keys.”
[09/27/2022]: Added a description of the use of Blend Shape to “Model Template Function.”
[09/27/2022]: Added a note about the template function to the “Blend Shape” section.
[09/27/2022]: Added the details of Ver. 4.2.01 to “Update History.”
[09/21/2022]: Added update information on Live2D Cubism 4 AE Plug-in R6 to “Downloads.”
[09/21/2022]: Updated “About Cubism Controller” in Live2D Cubism 4 AE Plug-in R6 to the latest version.
[09/08/2022]: Updated the “Update History” page of Cubism Viewer for Unity.
[09/02/2022]: Added a note about multi-frame rendering to the “Download” page of Cubism 4 AE Plug-in.
[08/25/2022]: A description of [Reset dialog box size and position] was added to the “File Menu” section.
[08/25/2022]: A description of the [Expand All/Collapse All] button in the Shortcuts Settings dialog box was added to the “Shortcut Key List” section.
[08/25/2022]: A description of the function to deselect hidden and locked objects was added to the “Edit Menu” section.
[08/25/2022]: A description of [Warp deformer shaping brushes] was added to the “Deform Brushes” and “Tool Details Palette” sections.
[08/25/2022]: A description of [Shape warp deformer along Bezier handles] was added to the “How to Edit” and “Modeling Menu” sections.
[08/25/2022]: Notes on skinning were added to the “Skinning” section.
[08/25/2022]: A description of the function to batch duplicate labels was added to the “Parameter Bookmarks” and “Animation Menu” sections.
[08/25/2022]: A new page on “Track Trajectory” was added.
[08/25/2022]: Details of Ver4.2.01 beta1 were added to the “Update History.”
[08/17/2022]: Added that motion inversion is not possible for “Blend Shape.”
[08/04/2022]: Updated the “Update History” page of Cubism Viewer for Unity.
[07/28/2022]: Update information on Live2D Cubism 4 AE Plugin R6 beta1 was added to the “Download” section.
[07/28/2022]: Updated the supported version of After Effects on the “Download” page of Cubism 4 AE Plug-in.
Click here for past updates