What’s New in 4.0

Updated: 05/08/2020

This page is for Cubism version 4.2 or earlier. Click here for the latest version.

New Features in 4.0.00

Live2D Cubism gets a major update to version 4.0!
New functions specific to video production and features that greatly improve embedded data!

Notes on environment settings

In Cubism 4.0, the environment settings of Cubism 3 series are inherited only once when Cubism 4.0 is launched for the first time, and will be independent from Cubism 4.0 thereafter.
Therefore, if you change environment settings (e.g., shortcut, palette position) in Cubism 4.0, the changes will not be reflected in the Cubism 3 series.

Please be careful if you are using Cubism 3 series Editor and Cubism 4.0 Editor in parallel.


This function creates and draws lines within the Editor.
Lines can be adjusted for “color, width, opacity, and texture.”
In addition, the line width is maintained even after deformation, making it possible to add movement more intuitively while reducing instances of images that look strange after deformation.

Inverted Mask

This function inverts the existing function “Clipping Mask.” You will be able to use masks to hide objects.
In addition to “hide,” please use other expressions such as “hollow out.”

Extended Interpolation

This feature allows interpolation between keyforms with curves instead of lines.
It enables the expression of natural movement in swinging objects such as hair and clothing without shrinking the texture.

Onion Skin

This function displays the states before and after a movement in a translucent manner, allowing the user to check the transition.
In addition, the Modeling View visualizes the trajectory of parameters with lines, making it easier than ever to fine-tune and improve the quality of movements.

Form Animation

This is a convenient feature that allows you to edit shapes directly on the timeline without affecting the model data.
This is a useful function for video production that allows editing beyond the range of parameters, making it easier to create dynamic motion.

Frame Step

This function allows you to apply frame step on the timeline during animation production.
In addition to the smooth movements typical of Live2D, it is also possible to reproduce sharp movements that are similar to those of hand-drawn animation.

Image Sequence Track

This function batch-places images exported as sequentially numbered images on a dedicated track.
Placed sequentially numbered images can also be used to adjust the timing of their display on the Graph Editor using the time remapping function.
The imported sequentially numbered images can also be exported as video.

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