Motion Settings

Updated: 07/03/2020

This page is for Cubism version 4.2 or earlier. Click here for the latest version.

You can set up the details related to the playback of the motion.
The following settings are written to the model settings file model3.json.

Motion Settings

Fade-in (ms)

The time (ms) it takes to switch to this motion.
The fade-in values for the motion set in the model3.json file are displayed.
If the motion has no fade value set and is unset, the value is 1000.

Fade-out (ms)

The time (ms) before switching to the next motion.
The fade-out values for the motion set in the model3.json file are displayed.
If the motion has no fade value set and is unset, the value is 1000.

Fade-in override (ms)

Fill in the value when you want to override the fade-in value of the motion.

Fade-out override (ms)

Fill in the value when you want to override the fade-out value of the motion.

For details on how to set fade-in/fade-out, please refer to the “Setting Fade Values” page.

Loop playback

Check here to repeat the motion after it is played.
(This setting is for Cubism Viewer, so it is not exported to model3.json.)

Fade-in during loop playback

If checked, the motion will be played while fading in during playback.
(This setting is not written out to model3.json. Also, the fade is not applied in the SDK sample.)


Specifies the audio file to be played along with the motion playback.

Group name

Enter a group name for the motion in single-byte alphanumeric characters.
“Idle” and click on “Animation” menu -> “Idle Motion” to automatically play the motion.
Common group names used in the sample include “TapBody,” “PinchIn,” “Shake,” “FlickHead,” etc., and it is a good idea to group and name them according to when they are played.


Click the button to play the motion.

Playback and record parameters

This function is used when exporting physics operations to model3.json, but is not implemented in Cubism Viewer.

In Cubism 3 and later, parts of the body that have been moved by applying physics can be added to the animation immediately.

Please take a look at our new, easier-to-use “Bake Animation from Physics” page.

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