File menu

This page is for Cubism version 4.2 or earlier. Click here for the latest version.

This section describes the File menu.

Note: Cubism Editor 3 has a feature to assist with compatibility with 2.1.

Create new model data.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [N]

Create new animation data.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N]
OpenOpen a file that has already been created.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [O]
Open Recent FileOpen a previously opened file.
Shortcut keys [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [O]
Recent FilesOpen recently opened files.
CloseClose the currently displayed file.
Close allClose all currently open files.
SaveSave the currently displayed file.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [S]
Save asSave the currently displayed file with a different file name.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [S]
Apply TemplateApply the template model.
See the “Template Function” page for detailed instructions.
Image and Video ExportImage:
Export the displayed model as a PNG image.

GIF animation:
Export the currently displayed scene as a GIF animation.

Still image (sequential number):
Export the currently displayed scene as a sequentially numbered still image.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [I]

PSD images (beta):
Export the displayed model as a PSD image.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [P]

Export the currently displayed scene as a video.

See the “Image and Video Export” page for detailed instructions on how to export images and videos.
Export For RuntimeExport as moc3 file:
Export the currently displayed model as a moc3 file.
Shortcut key [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [S]

Export Physics settings:
Export the physics settings for the currently displayed model.

Export motion file:
Export the currently displayed animation data as a motion file.
Shortcut keys [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + [S]

See the “Data for Embedded Use” page for detailed instructions on how to export files for embedded use.
Switch languages.
 • Switch to language
  You can select from [Japanese], [English], [Korean], or [Chinese].
 • Revert to the language of the installation (Windows version)
Switch to the language selected during installation.
 • Revert to OS system language (macOS version)

  Switch to the language of the OS.

The following are the specifications for language settings.
• The language will be switched when the Editor is restarted after changing the setting.
• Language settings are shared within Editors of the same minor version (e.g., 4.2 series).
• Language switching, which is done through the Editor’s [Settings] menu, takes precedence over the installation settings and OS settings.

Canvas Background color:
Set the background color of the canvas.
• Background color
• Reset Background color

Grid settings:
Set the grid spacing.

Temporary snapshot quality settings:
Open the Temporary Snapshot Quality Settings dialog box.

Automatic workspace switching according to tab selection:
If checked, the workspace will automatically switch to match the contents of the currently selected tab, such as model or animation.

Lock the inspector when an object is locked:
When locking an object from the [Deformer] or [Part(s)] palette, the information in the inspector palette is also locked.

Reflect label colors in Parts palette in deformer palette:
The label colors set for deformers, ArtMeshes, etc. in the [Parts] palette are reflected in the [Deformer] palette.

Numbering at the end of names when pasting objects:
When pasting an object, add a number to the end of the name to make it easier to identify.

Keyboard Shortcuts:
Set keyboard shortcuts.

Show recently opened files with their full paths:
If checked, the full path will be displayed in addition to the file name displayed in [Recent Files].
Display example: “Sample.cmo3    [C:aaabbbSample.cmo3]”

Add (X) to the end of file names when saving cmo3 or can3 files under a different file name:
When saving “xxxx_t01.cmo3” under a different name,
it becomes “xxxx_t01(1).cmo3” when this setting is enabled and “xxxx_t02.cmo3” when disabled.

Open destination location after saving and exporting:
If unchecked, the destination folder will not open after saving or exporting.

Auto Backup Settings:
Open the Auto Backup Settings dialog box.

Always show the warning for masks:
A warning is now issued if the mask used for clipping masks is in an incorrect state.
See the “Clipping Masks” page for details.

Show update information during startup:
Display a notification dialog box when there is an editor update.

Redisplay all dialog boxes that are hidden:
Batch redisplay the dialog boxes with the [Do not display next time] checkbox checked.

Reset dialog box size and position:
Reset the size and position of all dialog boxes.
Model StatisticsDisplay the model statistics.
Canvas settingsSet the canvas size.
Resize ModelResize the model.
ExitExit Cubism Editor.
Shortcut key [Alt] + [F4]
Saved as 2.1 model data (cmox)Save the currently displayed model as a Cubism 2.1 specification model (.cmox).
Export For Runtimemoc file export (for 2.1):
Export the currently displayed model as a moc file.
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