最終更新: 2023年1月26日

为了保持部件不透明度的一致性,Original WorkFlow的Framework中单独的动态播放并不直接对部件不透明度进行操作。
在OW SDK中,假定针对动态的部件不透明度的插值方法应用了步。
// C++ void CubismMotion::DoUpdateParameters(CubismModel* model, csmFloat32 timeSeconds, csmFloat32 fadeWeight, CubismMotionQueueEntry* motionQueueEntry) { /*省略*/ for (; c < _motionData->CurveCount && curves[c].Type == CubismMotionCurveTarget_PartOpacity; ++c) { // Find parameter index. parameterIndex = model->GetParameterIndex(curves[c].Id); // Skip curve evaluation if no value in sink. if (parameterIndex == -1) { continue; } // Evaluate curve and apply value. value = EvaluateCurve(_motionData, c, time); model->SetParameterValue(parameterIndex, value);// 导入到虚拟参数而不是部件不透明度。 } /*省略*/ }
// TypeScript public doUpdateParameters(model: CubismModel, userTimeSeconds: number, fadeWeight: number, motionQueueEntry: CubismMotionQueueEntry): void { /*省略*/ for(; c < this._motionData.curveCount && curves.at(c).type == CubismMotionCurveTarget.CubismMotionCurveTarget_PartOpacity; ++c) { // Find parameter index. parameterIndex = model.getParameterIndex(curves.at(c).id); // Skip curve evaluation if no value in sink. if(parameterIndex == -1) { continue; } // Evaluate curve and apply value. value = evaluateCurve(this._motionData, c, time); model.setParameterValueByIndex(parameterIndex, value); } /*省略*/ }
// Java public void doUpdateParameters(CubismModel model, float timeSeconds, float fadeWeight, CubismMotionQueueEntry motionQueueEntry){ /*省略*/ for (CubismMotionCurve curve : curves) { if (curve.type != CubismMotionCurveTarget.PARAMETER) { continue; } // Findparameter index. final int parameterIndex = model.getParameterIndex(curve.id); // Skip curve evaluation if no value. if (parameterIndex == -1) { continue; } // Evaluate curve and apply value. value = evaluateCurve(curve, time); ... model.setParameterValue(parameterIndex, v); // 导入到虚拟参数而不是部件不透明度。 } /*省略*/ }

// C++ CubismPose::UpdateParameters()
// TypeScript CubismPose.updateParameters()
// Java CubismPose.updateParameters();
// C++ void CubismPose::DoFade(CubismModel* model, csmFloat32 deltaTimeSeconds, csmInt32 beginIndex, csmInt32 partGroupCount) { csmInt32 visiblePartIndex = -1; csmFloat32 newOpacity = 1.0f; const csmFloat32 Phi = 0.5f; const csmFloat32 BackOpacityThreshold = 0.15f; // 获取当前显示的部件 for (csmInt32 i = beginIndex; i < beginIndex + partGroupCount; ++i) { csmInt32 partIndex = _partGroups[i].PartIndex; csmInt32 paramIndex = _partGroups[i].ParameterIndex; if (model->GetParameterValue(paramIndex) > Epsilon) // const csmFloat32 Epsilon= 0.001f; { if (visiblePartIndex >= 0) { break; } visiblePartIndex = i; newOpacity = model->GetPartOpacity(partIndex); // 计算新的不透明度 newOpacity += (deltaTimeSeconds / _fadeTimeSeconds); if (newOpacity > 1.0f) { newOpacity = 1.0f; } } } /*省略*/ }
// TypeScript public doFade(model: CubismModel, deltaTimeSeconds: number, beginIndex: number, partGroupCount: number): void { let visiblePartIndex: number = -1; let newOpacity: number = 1.0; const phi: number = 0.5; const backOpacityThreshold: number = 0.15; // 获取当前显示的部件 for(let i: number = beginIndex; i < beginIndex + partGroupCount; ++i) { const partIndex: number = this._partGroups.at(i).partIndex; const paramIndex: number = this._partGroups.at(i).parameterIndex; if(model.getParameterValueByIndex(paramIndex) > Epsilon) { if(visiblePartIndex >= 0) { break; } visiblePartIndex = i; newOpacity = model.getPartOpacityByIndex(partIndex); // 计算新的不透明度 newOpacity += (deltaTimeSeconds / this._fadeTimeSeconds); if(newOpacity > 1.0) { newOpacity = 1.0; } } } /*省略*/ }
// Java public void doFade(CubismModel model, float deltaTimeSeconds, int beginIndex, int partGroupCount) { int visiblePartIndex = -1; float newOpacity = 1.0f; // 获取当前显示的部件 for (int i = beginIndex; i < beginIndex + partGroupCount; i++) { final int paramIndex = partGroups.get(i).parameterIndex; if (model.getParameterValue(paramIndex) > EPSILON) { if (visiblePartIndex >= 0) { break; } // 计算新的不透明度 newOpacity = calculateOpacity(model, i, deltaTimeSeconds); visiblePartIndex = i; } } /*省略*/ }
// C++ void CubismPose::DoFade(CubismModel* model, csmFloat32 deltaTimeSeconds, csmInt32 beginIndex, csmInt32 partGroupCount) { csmInt32 visiblePartIndex = -1; csmFloat32 newOpacity = 1.0f; const csmFloat32 Phi = 0.5f; const csmFloat32 BackOpacityThreshold = 0.15f; /*省略*/ if (visiblePartIndex < 0) { visiblePartIndex = 0; newOpacity = 1.0f; } // 设置显示部件和隐藏部件的不透明度 for (csmInt32 i = beginIndex; i < beginIndex + partGroupCount; ++i) { csmInt32 partsIndex = _partGroups[i].PartIndex; // 显示部件的设置 if (visiblePartIndex == i) { model->SetPartOpacity(partsIndex, newOpacity); //j/ 先设置 } // 隐藏部件的设置 else { csmFloat32 opacity = model->GetPartOpacity(partsIndex); csmFloat32 a1; // 通过计算得出的不透明度 if (newOpacity < Phi) { a1 = newOpacity * (Phi - 1) / Phi + 1.0f; // 通过(0,1),(phi,phi)的直线方程式 } else { a1 = (1 - newOpacity) * Phi / (1.0f - Phi); // 通过(1,0),(phi,phi)的直线方程式 } // 限制背景可见比例时 csmFloat32 backOpacity = (1.0f - a1) * (1.0f - newOpacity); if (backOpacity > BackOpacityThreshold) { a1 = 1.0f - BackOpacityThreshold / (1.0f - newOpacity); } if (opacity > a1) { opacity = a1; // 如果大于计算的不透明度(较暗),则增加不透明度 } model->SetPartOpacity(partsIndex, opacity); } } }
// TypeScript public doFade(model: CubismModel, deltaTimeSeconds: number, beginIndex: number, partGroupCount: number): void { let visiblePartIndex: number = -1; let newOpacity: number = 1.0; const phi: number = 0.5; const backOpacityThreshold: number = 0.15; /*省略*/ if(visiblePartIndex < 0) { visiblePartIndex = 0; newOpacity = 1.0; } // 设置显示部件和隐藏部件的不透明度 for(let i: number = beginIndex; i < beginIndex + partGroupCount; ++i) { const partsIndex: number = this._partGroups.at(i).partIndex; // 显示部件的设置 if(visiblePartIndex == i) { model.setPartOpacityByIndex(partsIndex, newOpacity); // 先设置 } // 隐藏部件的设置 else { let opacity: number = model.getPartOpacityByIndex(partsIndex); let a1: number; // 通过计算得出的不透明度 if(newOpacity < phi) { a1 = newOpacity * (phi - 1) / phi + 1.0; // 通过(0,1),(phi,phi)的直线方程式 } else { a1 = (1 - newOpacity) * phi / (1.0 - phi); // 通过(1,0),(phi,phi)的直线方程式 } // 限制背景可见比例时 const backOpacity: number = (1.0 - a1) * (1.0 - newOpacity); if(backOpacity > backOpacityThreshold) { a1 = 1.0 - backOpacityThreshold / (1.0 - newOpacity); } if(opacity > a1) { opacity = a1; // 如果大于计算的不透明度(较暗),则增加不透明度 } model.setPartOpacityByIndex(partsIndex, opacity); } } }
// Java public void doFade(CubismModel model, float deltaTimeSeconds, int beginIndex, int partGroupCount) { int visiblePartIndex = -1; float newOpacity = 1.0f; /*省略*/ if (visiblePartIndex < 0) { visiblePartIndex = 0; newOpacity = 1.0f; } // 设置显示部件和隐藏部件的不透明度 for (int i = beginIndex; i < beginIndex + partGroupCount; i++) { final int partsIndex = partGroups.get(i).partIndex; // 显示部件的设置 if (visiblePartIndex == i) { model.setPartOpacity(partsIndex, newOpacity); } // 隐藏部件的设置 else { final float opacity = model.getPartOpacity(partsIndex); final float result = calcNonDisplayedPartsOpacity(opacity, newOpacity); model.setPartOpacity(partsIndex, result); } } }
// C++ /** * @brief 管理与部件相关的数据 * *管理与部件相关的各种数据。 */ struct PartData { /*省略*/ CubismIdHandle PartId; ///< 部件ID csmInt32 ParameterIndex; ///< 参数索引 csmInt32 PartIndex; ///< 部件索引 csmVector<PartData> Link; ///< 联动参数 };
// TypeScript /** * 管理与部件相关的数据 */ export class PartData { /*省略*/ partId: CubismIdHandle; // 部件ID parameterIndex: number; // 参数索引 partIndex: number; // 部件索引 link: csmVector<PartData>; // 联动参数 }
// Java /** *管理与部件相关的各种数据。 */ public class PartData{ /*省略*/ CubismId partId; // 部件ID int parameterIndex; // 参数索引 int partIndex; // 部件索引 List<PartData> link // 联动参数 }
// C++ class CubismPose { /*省略*/ csmVector<PartData> _partGroups; ///< 部件组 csmVector<csmInt32> _partGroupCounts; ///< 各部件组的数量数 csmFloat32 _fadeTimeSeconds; ///< 渐变时间[秒] csmFloat32 _lastTimeSeconds; ///< 最后执行的时间[秒] CubismModel* _lastModel; ///< 上次操作的模型 };
// TypeScript export class CubismPose { /*省略*/ _partGroups: csmVector<PartData>; // 部件组 _partGroupCounts: csmVector<number>; // 各部件组的数量 _fadeTimeSeconds: number; // 渐变时间[秒] _lastModel: CubismModel; // 上次操作的模型 }
// Java public class CubismPose{ /*省略*/ List<PartData> partGroups; // 部件组 List<Integer> partGroupCounts; // 各部件组的数量 float fadeTimeSeconds; // 渐变时间[秒] float lastTimeSeconds; // 最后执行的时间[秒] CubismModel lastModel; // 上次操作的模型 }
// C++ void CubismPose::UpdateParameters(CubismModel* model, csmFloat32 deltaTimeSeconds) { // 和上次的模型不一样时,需要原始化 if (model != _lastModel) { // 原始化参数索引 Reset(model); } _lastModel = model; // 如果从设置中变更时间,经过时间可能会变成负数,所以以经过时间0进行处理。 if (deltaTimeSeconds < 0.0f) { deltaTimeSeconds = 0.0f; } csmInt32 beginIndex = 0; for (csmUint32 i = 0; i < _partGroupCounts.GetSize(); i++) { csmInt32 partGroupCount = _partGroupCounts[i]; DoFade(model, deltaTimeSeconds, beginIndex, partGroupCount); beginIndex += partGroupCount; } CopyPartOpacities(model); }
// TypeScript public updateParameters(model: CubismModel, deltaTimeSeconds: number): void { // 和上次的模型不一样时,需要原始化 if(model != this._lastModel) { // 原始化参数索引 this.reset(model); } this._lastModel = model; // 如果从设置中变更时间,经过时间可能会变成负数,所以以经过时间0进行处理 if(deltaTimeSeconds < 0.0) { deltaTimeSeconds = 0.0; } let beginIndex: number = 0; for(let i = 0; i < this._partGroupCounts.getSize(); i++) { const partGroupCount: number = this._partGroupCounts.at(i); this.doFade(model, deltaTimeSeconds, beginIndex, partGroupCount); beginIndex += partGroupCount; } this.copyPartOpacities(model); }
// Java public void updateParameters(final CubismModel model, float deltaTimeSeconds) { // 和上次的模型不一样时,需要原始化 if (model != lastModel) { reset(model); } lastModel = model; // 如果从设置中变更时间,经过时间可能会变成负数,所以以经过时间0进行处理。 if (deltaTimeSeconds < 0.0f) { deltaTimeSeconds = 0.0f; } int beginIndex = 0; for (final int partGroupCount : partGroupCounts) { doFade(model, deltaTimeSeconds, beginIndex, partGroupCount); beginIndex += partGroupCount; } copyPartOpacities(model); }
Parent ID的不透明度联动
// C++ CubismPose::CopyPartOpacities()
// TypeScript CubismPose.copyPartOpacities()
// Java CubismPose.copyPartOpacities()
此Link将OWViewer中表述Parent ID的PartID存储为CubismIdHandle数组。

// C++ void CubismPose::CopyPartOpacities(CubismModel* model) { for (csmUint32 groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < _partGroups.GetSize(); ++groupIndex) { PartData& partData = _partGroups[groupIndex]; if (partData.Link.GetSize() == 0) { continue; // 没有联动的参数 } csmInt32 partIndex = _partGroups[groupIndex].PartIndex; csmFloat32 opacity = model->GetPartOpacity(partIndex); for (csmUint32 linkIndex = 0; linkIndex < partData.Link.GetSize(); ++linkIndex) { PartData& linkPart = partData.Link[linkIndex]; csmInt32 linkPartIndex = linkPart.PartIndex; if (linkPartIndex < 0) { continue; } model->SetPartOpacity(linkPartIndex, opacity); } } }
// TypeScript public copyPartOpacities(model: CubismModel): void { for(let groupIndex: number = 0; groupIndex < this._partGroups.getSize(); ++groupIndex) { let partData: PartData = this._partGroups.at(groupIndex); if(partData.link.getSize() == 0) { continue; // 没有联动的参数 } const partIndex: number = this._partGroups.at(groupIndex).partIndex; const opacity: number = model.getPartOpacityByIndex(partIndex); for(let linkIndex: number = 0; linkIndex < partData.link.getSize(); ++linkIndex) { let linkPart: PartData = partData.link.at(linkIndex); const linkPartIndex: number = linkPart.partIndex; if(linkPartIndex < 0) { continue; } model.setPartOpacityByIndex(linkPartIndex, opacity); } } }
// Java private void copyPartOpacities(CubismModel model) { for (PartData partData : partGroups) { if (partData.linkedParameter == null) { continue; } final int partIndex = partData.partIndex; final float opacity = model.getPartOpacity(partIndex); for (PartData linkedPart : partData.linkedParameter) { final int linkedPartIndex = linkedPart.partIndex; if (linkedPartIndex < 0) { continue; } model.setPartOpacity(linkedPartIndex, opacity); } } }
// C++ CubismPose::Create()
// TypeScript CubismPose.create()
// Java CubismPose.create()
// C++ csmString path = _modelSetting->GetPoseFileName(); path = _modelHomeDir + path; buffer = CreateBuffer(path.GetRawString(), &size); CubismPose* pose = CubismPose::Create(buffer, size); DeleteBuffer(buffer, path.GetRawString());
// TypeScritp let path: string = _modelSetting.getPoseFileName(); path = _modelHomeDire + path; fetch(path).then( (response) => { return response.arrayBuffer(); } ).then( (arrayBuffer) => { let buffer: ArrayBuffer = arrayBuffer; let size: number = buffer.byteLength; let pose: CubismPose = CubismPose.create(buffer, size); deleteBuffer(buffer, path); } );
// Java String path = modelSetting.getPoseFileName(); path = modelHomeDir + path; buffer = CreateBuffer(path); CubismPose pose = CubismPose.create(buffer);
// C++ CubismPose::UpdateParameters()
// TypeScript CubismPose.updateParameters()
// Java CubismPose.updateParameters()
// C++ void LAppModel::Update() { const csmFloat32 deltaTimeSeconds = LAppPal::GetDeltaTime(); _userTimeSeconds += deltaTimeSeconds; /*省略*/ //----------------------------------------------------------------- _model->LoadParameters(); // 读取上次保存的状态 if (_motionManager->IsFinished()) { // 如果没有动态播放,则从待机动态开始随机播放 StartRandomMotion(MotionGroupIdle, PriorityIdle); } else { motionUpdated = _motionManager->UpdateMotion(_model, deltaTimeSeconds); // 更新动态 } _model->SaveParameters(); // 保存状态 //----------------------------------------------------------------- /*省略*/ // 姿势设置 if (_pose != NULL) { _pose->UpdateParameters(_model, deltaTimeSeconds); } _model->Update(); }
// TypeScript /** * 更新 */ public update(): void { if(this._state != LoadStep.CompleteSetup) return; const deltaTimeSeconds: number = LAppPal.getDeltaTime(); this._userTimeSeconds += deltaTimeSeconds; /*省略*/ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- this._model.loadParameters(); // 读取上次保存的状态 if(this._motionManager.isFinished()) { // 如果没有动态播放,则从待机动态开始随机播放 this.startRandomMotion(LAppDefine.MotionGroupIdle, LAppDefine.PriorityIdle); } else { motionUpdated = this._motionManager.updateMotion(this._model, deltaTimeSeconds); // 更新动态 } this._model.saveParameters(); // 保存状态 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*省略*/ // 姿势设置 if(this._pose != null) { this._pose.updateParameters(this._model, deltaTimeSeconds); } this._model.update(); }
// Java public void update() { final float deltaTimeSeconds = LAppPal.getDeltaTime(); userTimeSeconds += deltaTimeSeconds; /*省略*/ // ------------------------------------------------- model.loadParameters(); // 读取上次保存的状态 if (motionManager.isFinished()) { // 如果没有动态播放,则从待机动态开始随机播放 startRandomMotion(LAppDefine.MotionGroup.IDLE.getId(), LAppDefine.Priority.IDLE.getPriority()); } else { isMotionUpdated = motionManager.updateMotion(model, deltaTimeSeconds); } model.saveParameters(); // 保存状态 // ------------------------------------------------- /*省略*/ if (pose != null) { pose.updateParameters(model, deltaTimeSeconds); } model.update(); }
// C++ CubismPose::Delete(pose);
// TypeScript CubismPose.delete(pose);
在SDK for Java中,由于垃圾回收负责释放,因此无需放弃。