Platform support status

Updated: 12/19/2024

This is the list of SDK platforms that Live2D officially supports.


Rendering engine

SDK type Windows macOS Linux *1 Android iOS *1 HarmonyOS
Cocos2d-x *4 ✓ with conditions ✓ with conditions ✓ with conditions *2 ✓ with conditions ✓ with conditions
Metal –  ✓ *3 –  – 
DirectX 9.0c –  –  –  – 
DirectX 11 –  –  – 
Vulkan – 

*1: Only 64-bit architecture is supported. Support for 32-bit architecture is not provided.
*2: This is supported on Ubuntu 18.04.
*3: Mac Catalyst is used.
*4: Support was terminated after Cubism 5 SDK for Native R2.


SDK type PlayStation 5 PlayStation 4 Nintendo Switch

Note: These platforms are closed to the public. Please contact support for more information.


Web browser

SDK type Windows macOS Linux Android iOS
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge

For detailed version information, please click here or see the system requirements of included in the package.


SDK type Lower limit (minSdkVersion) Upper limit (maxSdkVersion)
Supported Android OS version Android 5.0 (API 21)  Android 14.0 (API 34)


SDK type Windows macOS Linux *1 Android iOS *1 WebGL *2 HarmonyOS *3

*1: Only 64-bit architecture is supported. Support for 32-bit architecture is not provided.
*2: Please refer to the official Unity reference for supported browsers.
*3: Tuanjie (Chinese version of Unity) is required.


SDK type PlayStation 5 PlayStation 4 Nintendo Switch

Note: These platforms are closed to the public. Please contact support for more information.

Update history

Date of update Target platform Contents
12/19/2024 Native Updated the platform support status table
Cocos2d-x Support was terminated after Cubism 5 SDK for Native R2.
04/04/2024 Unity Updated the platform support status table
03/26/2024 Native Updated response status
01/18/2024 Java Updated the platform support status table
12/22/2023 Native Updated response status
09/29/2022 Java Added new item
10/07/2021 Native Updated the platform support status table
06/15/2021 Native Updated the consumer correspondence table
02/17/2021 Native Updated the consumer correspondence table
10/08/2020 Unity, Native Corrected cautionary statement for iOS
Unity Added notes on WebGL compatible browsers
01/30/2020 All Added Linux to the correspondence table
Web Updated the macOS correspondence table
12/19/2019 Game engine Updated the correspondence table
10/11/2019 Game engine Updated the consumer correspondence table
Native Updated the consumer correspondence table
Web Updated the browser correspondence table
11/15/2018 DirectX11 Added DirectX11 samples to Native
10/04/2018 DirectX9 Added DirectX9 samples to Native
09/25/2018 Web Added TypeScript WebGL samples
09/06/2018 Consumer Added PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and Nintendo Switch
08/02/2018 OpenGL Added samples (Android, iOS) that are independent of Cocos2d-x and use only OpenGL
06/28/2018 OpenGL Added a sample that is independent of Cocos2d-x and uses only OpenGL
04/26/2018 All Created a new table
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