Motion-sync Settings (Web)

Updated: 05/30/2024

Live2D Cubism SDK MotionSync Plugin for Web allows users to manipulate values at their discretion by customizing the program in Cubism 5 R1 beta1 or later.

Configuration data that can be adjusted by the SDK

1BlendRatioYou can set the degree to which the shape of the viseme is blended.
Values are floating point numbers in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. Values are exported to .motionsync3.json.
0.0: The shape is determined using the viseme with the highest probability.
1.0: Blends the corresponding shape according to the weight of the viseme.
2SampleRateThis is the unit of analysis when performing audio analysis. The unit is in fps, and values are floating point numbers in the range of 1.0 to 120.0. Values are exported to .motionsync3.json.
3SmoothingThis setting smooths out the results of audio analysis and mitigates vibrations. Values are integers in the range of 0 to 100. The further you go to 100, the stronger the correction. Values are exported to .motionsync3.json.

This is the influence of volume on the analyzed speech results. The higher the value, the more importance is placed on the loudness of the sound rather than the result of the analysis. The range is a floating point number from 0.0 to 1.0.

* If the voice analysis method is CRI Lipsync, set this item to “0.0” to make the behavior match that of the Cubism Editor.

The Motion-sync setting operation sets the LAppMotionSyncModel._motionSync values.

this._motionSync.SetBlendRatio(processIndex, blendRatio);
this._motionSync.SetSampleRate(processIndex, sampleRate);
this._motionSync.SetSmoothing(processIndex, smoothing);

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