UserData (UE)

Updated: 09/05/2024

This page contains statements regarding the alpha version.


UserData is a function that visualizes the user data set in the model’s ArtMesh in Unreal Editor.
User data is a function that allows tags to be assigned as desired to the ArtMesh, which can be used to set the ArtMesh for special processing in the SDK.

Click here for more information on user data.

How to handle the component

UserData in the Cubism SDK for Unreal Engine can be used by adding a CubismUserDataComponent to child components of a CubismModel actor.
If the .userdata3.json path is set in .model3.json, CubismUserDataComponent is automatically added to the CubismModel actor as a child component during import, so no configuration on the user side is required.

CubismUserDataComponent applies the user data listed in .userdata3.json to the ArtMesh when the model is imported.

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