Json (UE)

Updated: 09/05/2024

This page contains statements regarding the alpha version.


Live2D Cubism handles some of the data for runtime in json format.
The Cubism SDK for Unreal Engine includes a Live2dCubismFrameworkImporter module that parses these embedded files and converts them to a .uasset format for handling in Unreal Editor.


This class is used to handle .model3.json in Unreal Editor.

You can get the path to various other json files, such as motion and facial expressions described in .model3.json.

Drag and drop this asset into the viewport in Unreal Editor to spawn the model on the level.


This class is used to handle .motion3.json in Unreal Editor.

Motion curve and fade settings can be obtained from the information described in .motion3.json.


This class is used to handle .userdata3.json in Unreal Editor.

User data can be applied to the model’s ArtMesh from the information described in .userdata3.json.


This class is used to handle .physics3.json in Unreal Editor.

Physics settings can be obtained from the information described in .physics3.json.


This class is used to handle .exp3.json in Unreal Editor.

Facial expression differences and fade settings can be obtained from the information described in .exp3.json.


This class is used to handle .pose3.json in Unreal Editor.

The settings that control the display state of the part can be obtained from the information described in .pose3.json.


This class is used to handle .cdi3.json in Unreal Editor.

The .cdi3.json file contains the names of the parameters, parts, and parameter groups set in Cubism Editor and each ID that pairs with them.

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