Callback for end of motion playback (UE)

Updated: 09/05/2024

This page contains statements regarding the alpha version.


Cubism SDK for Unreal Engine allows callbacks to retrieve events when motion playback ends.

Callback Implementation

The Cubism SDK for Unreal Engine implements UCubismMotionComponent, a component that manages motion, to handle callbacks when motion playback ends.

// Define multicast delegate

class LIVE2DCUBISM_API UCubismMotionComponent : public UActorComponent



	UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "Live2D Cubism")
	FCubismMotionPlaybackFinishedHandler OnMotionPlaybackFinished;


Functions registered with OnMotionPlaybackFinished are called simultaneously when motion playback ends.

See the official Unreal Engine documentation for more details on how to handle multicast delegates.

Multicast delegate

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