Specifications of mocopi-compatible Parameters

nizima LIVE can animate the whole body of a Live2D model by acquiring information from mocopi.

This page summarizes the specifications of mocopi parameters in nizima LIVE; please refer to the contents of this page when creating mocopi-compatible models.

Auto-associated ID: Recommended parameter ID for creating mocopi-compatible models If you create each parameter of a Live2D model with this parameter ID, it will be automatically associated with the corresponding tracking item when the Live2D model is loaded into nizima LIVE.

Display name: Display name of each parameter in nizima LIVE

Minimum, default, and maximum values: These are the recommended values for parameter ranges for models used in nizima LIVE.


IDAuto-associated IDDisplay nameMinimumDefaultMaximumRemarks
YawParamAngleXFace motion: left/right-30030Existing
PitchParamAngleYFace motion: up/down-30030Existing
RollParamAngleZFace motion: rotation-30030Existing
RollRelativeParamAngleZRelativeFace motion: rotation (relative)-30030Head rotation – Body rotation
PositionXFace position X-101Existing
PositionYFace position Y-101Existing
PositionZFace position Z-101Existing
  • Position
    • Difference from mocopi’s reference position in absolute coordinates


IDAuto-associated IDDisplay nameMinimumDefaultMaximumRemarks
HipAngleZHipAngleZHip sway-30030Similar to Roll
TorsoAngleXTorsoAngleXUpper body rotation X-30030Similar to Yaw
TorsoAngleYTorsoAngleYUpper body rotation Y-30030Similar to Pitch
TorsoAngleZTorsoAngleZUpper body rotation Z-30030Similar to Roll
BodyPositionXBodyPositionXWhole body position X-101Right hand direction is +.
BodyPositionYBodyPositionYWhole body position Y-101Top is +
BodyPositionZBodyPositionZWhole body position Z-101Front is +

HipAngle image description

Basic posture
Rotation X
Rotates the body in an upright position.

Rotation Y
Rotation Z
Lifts one leg to the side.

TorsoAngle image description

Basic posture
Rotation X
Twists the body.

Rotation Y
Rotation Z
Bends the body to one side.

  • BodyPositionX/Z
    • Hip position
    • Difference from mocopi’s reference position in absolute coordinates
  • BodyPositionY
    • The lower of the left and right hip joints
    • Difference from mocopi’s reference position in absolute coordinates

Left arm

IDAuto-associated IDDisplay nameMinimumDefaultMaximumRemarks
UpperArmLeftAngleYUpperArmLeftAngleYLeft upper arm angle Y-90090Front is +
UpperArmLeftAngleZUpperArmLeftAngleZLeft upper arm angle Z-18001800 for the upright shin, + for the outside direction
UpperArmLeftAngleZRelativeUpperArmLeftAngleZRelativeLeft upper arm angle Z (relative)-1800180Left upper arm angle – Upper body rotation
LowerArmLeftAngleXLowerArmLeftAngleXLeft forearm angle X-18001800 for the front-facing palm, + when the little finger side moves forward
LowerArmLeftAngleYLowerArmLeftAngleYLeft forearm angle Y-90090Front is +
LowerArmLeftAngleZLowerArmLeftAngleZLeft forearm angle Z-18001800 for the upright shin, + for the outside direction
LowerArmLeftAngleZRelativeLowerArmLeftAngleZRelativeLeft forearm angle Z (relative)-1800180Left forearm angle – Left upper arm angle
ElbowLeftAngleElbowLeftAngleLeft elbow angle001800 for the straight knee, + when bent
ElbowLeftPositionXElbowLeftPositionXLeft elbow position X-101Outside is +
ElbowLeftPositionYElbowLeftPositionYLeft elbow position Y-101Top is +
ElbowLeftPositionZElbowLeftPositionZLeft elbow position Z-101Front is +
  • ElbowLeftPosition
    • Position of the elbow in relation to the shoulder

Right arm

IDAuto-associated IDDisplay nameMinimumDefaultMaximumRemarks
UpperArmRightAngleYUpperArmRightAngleYRight upper arm angle Y-90090Front is +
UpperArmRightAngleZUpperArmRightAngleZRight upper arm angle Z-18001800 for the upright shin, + for the outside direction
UpperArmRightAngleZRelativeUpperArmRightAngleZRelativeRight upper arm angle Z (relative)-1800180Right upper arm angle – Upper body rotation
LowerArmRightAngleXLowerArmRightAngleXRight forearm angle X-18001800 for the front-facing palm, + when the little finger side moves forward
LowerArmRightAngleYLowerArmRightAngleYRight forearm angle Y-90090Front is +
LowerArmRightAngleZLowerArmRightAngleZRight forearm angle Z-18001800 for the upright shin, + for the outside direction
LowerArmRightAngleZRelativeLowerArmRightAngleZRelativeRight forearm angle Z (relative)-1800180Right forearm angle – Right upper arm angle
ElbowRightAngleElbowRightAngleRight elbow angle001800 for the straight knee, + when bent
ElbowRightPositionXElbowRightPositionXRight elbow position X-101Outside is +
ElbowRightPositionYElbowRightPositionYRight elbow position Y-101Top is +
ElbowRightPositionZElbowRightPositionZRight elbow position Z-101Front is +

Left hand

IDAuto-associated IDDisplay nameMinimumDefaultMaximumRemarks
HandLeftFoundHandLeftFoundLeft hand detection001Existing, + when the hand is raised
HandLeftAngleXHandLeftAngleXLeft hand angle X-1800180Existing, 0 for the front-facing palm, + when the little finger side moves forward
HandLeftAngleYHandLeftAngleYLeft hand angle Y-90090Existing, front is +.
HandLeftAngleZHandLeftAngleZLeft hand angle Z-1800180Existing, 0 when the hand is turned upside down, outside is +
HandLeftPositionXHandLeftPositionXLeft hand position X-101Existing, outside is +.
HandLeftPositionYHandLeftPositionYLeft hand position Y-101Existing, top is +.
HandLeftPositionZHandLeftPositionZLeft hand position Z-101Existing, front is +.

Right hand

IDAuto-associated IDDisplay nameMinimumDefaultMaximumRemarks
HandRightFoundHandRightFoundRight hand detection001Existing, + when the hand is raised
HandRightAngleXHandRightAngleXRight hand angle X-1800180Existing, 0 for the front-facing palm, + when the little finger side moves forward
HandRightAngleYHandRightAngleYRight hand angle Y-90090Existing, front is +.
HandRightAngleZHandRightAngleZRight hand angle Z-1800180Existing, 0 when the hand is turned upside down, outside is +
HandRightPositionXHandRightPositionXRight hand position X-101Existing, outside is +.
HandRightPositionYHandRightPositionYRight hand position Y-101Existing, top is +.
HandRightPositionZHandRightPositionZRight hand position Z-101Existing, front is +.

Left leg

IDAuto-associated IDDisplay nameMinimumDefaultMaximumRemarks
UpperLegLeftAngleYUpperLegLeftAngleYLeft thigh angle Y-30030Front is +
UpperLegLeftAngleZUpperLegLeftAngleZLeft thigh angle Z-300300 for the upright shin, + for the outside direction
LowerLegLeftAngleXLowerLegLeftAngleXLeft shin angle X-300300 for the front-facing toe, + for the outside direction
LowerLegLeftAngleYLowerLegLeftAngleYLeft shin angle Y-30030Front is +
LowerLegLeftAngleZLowerLegLeftAngleZLeft shin angle Z-300300 for the upright shin, + for the outside direction
LowerLegLeftAngleZRelativeLowerLegLeftAngleZRelativeLeft shin angle Z (relative)-30030Left shin angle – Left thigh angle
KneeLeftAngleKneeLeftAngleLeft knee angle001800 for the straight knee, + when bent
KneeLeftPositionXKneeLeftPositionXLeft knee position X-101Outside is +
KneeLeftPositionYKneeLeftPositionYLeft knee position Y-101Top is +
KneeLeftPositionZKneeLeftPositionZLeft knee position Z-101Front is +
  • KneeLeftPosition
    • Position of the knee in relation to the hip joint

Right leg

IDAuto-associated IDDisplay nameMinimumDefaultMaximumRemarks
UpperLegRIghtAngleYUpperLegRIghtAngleYRight thigh angle Y-30030Front is +
UpperLegRightAngleZUpperLegRightAngleZRight thigh angle Z-300300 for the upright shin, + for the outside direction
LowerLegRIghtAngleXLowerLegRIghtAngleXRight shin angle X-300300 for the front-facing toe, + for the outside direction
LowerLegRIghtAngleYLowerLegRIghtAngleYRight shin angle Y-30030Front is +
LowerLegRightAngleZLowerLegRightAngleZRight shin angle Z-300300 for the upright shin, + for the outside direction
LowerLegRightAngleZRelativeLowerLegRightAngleZRelativeRight shin angle Z (relative)-30030Right shin angle – Right thigh angle
KneeRightAngleKneeRightAngleRight knee angle001800 for the straight knee, + when bent
KneeRightPositionXKneeRightPositionXRight knee position X-101Outside is +
KneeRightPositionYKneeRightPositionYRight knee position Y-101Top is +
KneeRightPositionZKneeRightPositionZRight knee position Z-101Front is +

Left foot

IDAuto-associated IDDisplay nameMinimumDefaultMaximumRemarks
FootLeftPositionXFootLeftPositionXLeft foot position X-101Outside is +
FootLeftPosisionYFootLeftPosisionYLeft foot position Y-101Top is +
FootLeftPositionZFootLeftPositionZLeft foot position Z-101Front is +
  • Position of the ankle in relation to the hip joint

Right foot

IDAuto-associated IDDisplay nameMinimumDefaultMaximumRemarks
FootRightPositionXFootRightPositionXRight foot position X-101Outside is +
FootRightPositionYFootRightPositionYRight foot position Y-101Top is +
FootRightPositionZFootRightPositionZRight foot position Z-101Front is +
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