How to use the plug-in function

Updated: 12/25/2024

Click here for information for developers.

How to Connect Plug-ins

1. Click Settings/Other -> Plug-ins.

2. After the Plug-in Manager starts, use the toggle at the top of the screen to enable the plug-in function.

To enable communication, the port number must be the same for nizima LIVE and the plug-in.
If the configured port number is not available, the port is automatically changed to one that is available.

3. Download the sample plug-in from GitHub.

Select “Mouse Extender.”

Select “Mouse Extender 1.0.0” in Releases on the right side of the screen.

Download, or mouse-extender-X.X.X-macOS-Apple.dmg for mac.

4. Start the plug-in and connect with Connect.

5. The plug-in will be added to the Plug-in Manager on the nizima LIVE side.

Clicking ∨ on the right side of the screen opens a panel that displays the details of the plug-in.
If you wish to remove a plug-in, you can delete its registration by clicking the Delete button.

6. Activate the plug-in with the toggle on the left side of the screen.

The first time you perform this operation, you will see a pop-up window as shown in the figure. Confirm that the plug-in is the one you intended to use, and then activate it.

When the plug-in is activated, the toggle turns green and the plug-in function is available.
For plug-ins that can be started from nizima LIVE, the display is added as shown in the figure.

  • When the plug-in is closed, the toggle turns yellow.
  • When the plug-in is connected again, the toggle will return to green and the plug-in will be available immediately.

If the toggle is turned off, the plug-in will be disabled and the function will not be available.

Starting the Plug-in from nizima LIVE

The display is different for plug-ins that can be started from this software (top) and those that cannot (bottom).
For plug-ins that can be started from this software, the left side shows the path to the plug-in, and the right side shows some additional functions.

1. With the plug-in disconnected, press Start to activate the plug-in.

Click Open folder to open the parent folder of the plug-in.

If you select the Auto start checkbox, the plug-in will start automatically when nizima LIVE starts or when the plug-in function is enabled.


If a plug-in is changed, such as by being moved or updated, the Start button will be disabled. In this situation, the plug-in will not be able to start and will not start automatically.
Reconnect the plug-in manually to enable it to once more be started from nizima LIVE.
If you still cannot use the plug-in, delete the registration with the Delete button and try connecting the plug-in again.

How to Use the Color Change Plug-in

Click here to download the installer.

Port Changes the port number.
Connect button Connects to nizima LIVE.
If a connection has already been established, it is disconnected.
This button turns green when a connection is possible.
Model and item list Lists the currently displayed model and items.
Log button This button is mainly for developer use. Click it to see the communication of the plug-in.
Color designation sliders You can specify the color with these sliders or a hexadecimal value.
Multiply/Add Changes the method of combining the specified colors.
Reset button Initializes the color of the model.
Target Select All, Part(s), or Drawable Object.
For Part(s) and Drawable Object, only those items in the tree below whose check boxes are selected are enabled.
About button Displays the version and other information.

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