Frequently Asked Questions

Updated: 07/11/2023

1. Do I have to pay to use nizima LIVE TRACKER?

nizima LIVE TRACKER is free to download and use. However, the customer is responsible for packet communications fees.
The desktop app (nizima LIVE) is available as a FREE version with some functions restricted, or a paid version with access to all functions.

2. What is the difference between nizima LIVE and nizima LIVE TRACKER?

nizima LIVE is the desktop app, and nizima LIVE TRACKER is the mobile app.
Although the desktop version can be used on its own, connecting it to the mobile version and using the iPhone in place of the camera can produce high-quality model expressions that are more vibrant and realistic than with a webcam.

3. What is the recommended model for nizima LIVE TRACKER?

Recommended model: iPhone X or later; iOS 14.0 or later; storage capacity: 500 MB
Only an iOS version is currently available.

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