Live2D Cubism Tutorials

Updated: 02/04/2025

This is a tutorial site for Live2D Cubism.
See “official website” for a detailed introduction to Cubism products.

How to use the tutorials

These tutorials are designed for people who have never used Cubism or want to understand the whole process of model creation.
The videos, in order, will help you understand the model creation process.
If you have questions or would like to learn more about a specific function or technique, please visit the manual website.

Tutorial List

Tutorial for Beginners

This is a quick and easy tutorial that you can carry out in a short time.
This tutorial is recommended for those who do not know where to start.

Basic Tutorial (6 courses)

The videos for each process provide more detail.
This is for people who want to learn Live2D.

Tutorials for Embedded Use (6 courses)

This tutorial video explains how to prepare your models for integration into games and applications.

This tutorial explains how to create a model using Live2D’s template feature.

This page explains Live2D terms such as ArtMeshes and deformers in an easy-to-understand way using images and text.

For those who are attaching motions for the first time, “What to be aware of” is included.

Introduces useful features of Cubism.
Recommended for those who have learned basic operations.

This is a making-of video for the sample model “Jin Natori.” You can see a series of processes involved in model making.

You can also download the latest Cubism Editor here.

Please refer to this manual when you want to know something about a particular function or want to understand it in more depth.
Sample Models produced by Live2D can also be downloaded from the manuals.

A marketplace where you can buy and sell rights to use and process 2D assets, including original illustrations and Live2D data.

Manual for the Cubism SDK.
If you are an SDK user, please refer to this manual.

For useful information about Live2D, please refer to this note.

This tutorial explains the basic usage of Cubism SDK.

This YouTube channel is the official Live2D online video course service currently being offered by Live2D Creative Studio.

Users ask each other questions and introduce what they have made.
Ask questions here if you have questions about any part of the tutorial/manual that you do not understand.

Notes on the update version 3.3

[Note when exporting the model]
Live2D models created with Cubism 3.3 or later versions of Editor cannot be loaded by third-party applications that do not support Cubism 3.3 or later versions.
Please check carefully if your product is compatible with the Cubism 3.3 model.
Notes for Updating to Cubism 3.3 or Later

Tutorial Update Information


[02/04/2025]: A new page on “Controller settings” is now available.

[02/04/2025]: A new page on “Target tracking settings” is now available.

[02/04/2025]: A new page on “Creating animations using controllers” is now available.

[02/04/2025]: A new page on “Parameter controller utilization techniques” is now available.


[07/26/2024]: A new page on “Let’s make a model introduction video” is now available.

[06/25/2024]: A precaution was added at the beginning of “Easy modeling with template function.”

[12/14/2023]: New page for “Using the Tracking function” is now available.

[12/07/2023]: New page for “Learn about “a, e, i, o, u” in 20 minutes” is now available.

[01/31/2023]: Website renewed.

  • Improved visibility and operability.
  • Improved and optimized the display on smartphones and tablets.
  • Added comment functionality.
  • Significantly improved translation accuracy.

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