SDK Support for Cubism 4 New Features

Updated: 10/03/2019

This page is for Cubism version 4.2 or earlier. Click here for the latest version.

Cubism 4 has newly implemented the following functions: “Inverted Mask,” “Frame Step,” “Extended Interpolation,” “ArtPath,” “Form Animation,” “Image Sequence Track,” and “Onion Skin.”
The table below shows the status of each of these functions in the Cubism SDK.

 Cubism 3.0 /
Cubism 3.3
Cubism 4.0
Inverted Mask
Frame Step
Extended Interpolation
Form Animation
Image Sequence Track
Onion Skin

Inverted Mask

This function inverts the area to be hidden by the mask.
Click here for more information on mask inversion.

Compatible with the Cubism 4 SDK for all platforms.

Because of modifications throughout the framework, updating a project built with the Cubism 3 SDK to Cubism 4 will require updating the entire SDK, not just the Core and shaders.

Frame Step

This function allows limited animation-like expressions to be created by continuing the same value as the current key until the next key without interpolating between keys.
Click here for more information on frame step.

When exporting from the Editor to motion3.json, the Curve type of the parameter for which frame step is set is exported as Stepped .
Therefore, the exported motion3.json can be made to work with the Cubism 3 SDK.

Extended Interpolation

This function interpolates the ArtMesh and deformer deformations curvilinearly rather than linearly.
Click here for more information on extended interpolation.

Extended interpolation divides the keyforms of the parameters into multiple linear interpolations so that they appear to be interpolating curvilinearly between keyforms.
Therefore, moc3 can be exported in Cubism3 format to work with any version of the Cubism 3 SDK.
Also, when extended interpolation is used extensively, the size of the moc3 file will be larger than when it is not used.


This function reproduces hand-drawn lines as a “dynamic mesh” in Cubism and handles them as a new object called an “ArtPath.”
Click here for more information on ArtPaths.

ArtPath is not supported by the Cubism 4 SDK.
In addition, information on this function is not written to any of the embedded data.

Form Animation

This function allows you to edit the model’s ArtMesh or deformer directly on the Animator timeline, without going through parameters.
Click here for more information on form animation.

Form animation is not supported by the Cubism 4 SDK.
In addition, information on this function is not written to any of the embedded data.

Image Sequence Track

This function allows you to batch place images exported as sequential numbers on a dedicated track.
Click here for more information on sequentially numbered image tracks.

Image Sequence Track is not supported by the Cubism 4 SDK.
In addition, information on this function is not written to any of the embedded data.

Onion Skin

An editing aid that displays interpolation results for meshes and deformers.
Click here for more information on onion skins.

Onion Skin is not supported by the Cubism 4 SDK.
In addition, information on this function is not written to any of the embedded data.

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