Cubism Native Samples Change History

Updated: 05/25/2023

Live2D Cubism SDK for Native Release Page (GitHub)

Change History

The change history is available in in the Cubism SDK for Native distribution package
or in CubismNativeSamples on the Live2D GitHub.


Check enclosed in the Cubism SDK for Native distribution package
or (English) or (Japanese) in CubismNativeSamples on the Live2D GitHub.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R7 (05/25/2023)


  • Added the ability to check the integrity of MOC3 files.
    • Added the ability to check the integrity with LAppModel::SetupModel().
    • Added the ability to check the integrity before loading models. (LAppModel::HasMocConsistencyFromFile())
    • This feature is enabled by default. For more information, please refer to the following manual.


  • Changed method to apply opacity retrieved from motion in one model if USE_MODEL_RENDER_TARGET is defined.


  • Fixed a bug in which the combination of motion and voice of “haru” was not correct.
  • Fixed the opacity of the drawing model when using the USE_RENDER_TARGET macro.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R6_2 (03/16/2023)


  • Changed to allow easier use of double and triple buffers in DirectX.


  • Fixed several issues related to Cubism Core.
    • See in Cubism Core.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R6_1 (03/10/2023)


  • Added function to validate MOC3 files.
    • See in Core and Framework.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R6 (02/21/2023)


  • The link to the Japanese version of NOTICE has been corrected.

Deleted items

  • Removed unnecessary glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) in OpenGL projects.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R5_1 (09/15/2022)


  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash if an empty array existed in json.
    • See in the Framework.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R5 (09/08/2022)


  • Added support for Visual Studio 2022.
  • Added multilingual documentation.


  • Updated third-party libraries.


  • Fixed a problem in which the window titles for the D3D9 minimum sample were those of D3D11.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R5 beta5 (08/04/2022)


  • Sample model “Mao” was updated to the latest version.
  • Changed the debug build of the sample for Android to use the debug.keystore in the app directory.


  • Fixed the version of GLEW in Visual Studio 2013.
  • Fixed a problem in which loading an unsupported version of a MOC3 file would cause an exception and crash.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R5 beta4 (07/07/2022)


  • Sample model “Mao” was added.


  • Disabled ARC in the Metal project.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R5 beta3 (06/16/2022)


  • Fixed a memory leak in Cocos2d-x.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R5 beta2 (06/02/2022)


  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect Multiply Color and Screen Color to be applied.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R5 beta1 (05/19/2022)


  • Cubism 4.2 is now supported.
  • Multiply Color and Screen Color are now supported.
  • Multiply Color and Screen Color can now be overridden by the user’s desired color.


  • Fixed to 60FPS in iOS.
  • Fixed to work around features discontinued since API 30.
  • The library used in the Android sample has been updated.
  • Changed to use “Maven Central” repository instead of “Jcenter” repository.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R4 (12/09/2021)


  • The following rendering options have been added to Metal.
  • Added sample project for Mac Catalyst.


  • Sample models have been updated. (Created with Cubism Editor 4.1.02)


  • Fixed a graphics bug in Cocos2d-x samples when using ‘USE_RENDER_TARGET’ in iOS and macOS.
  • Fixed a bug where opacity was not applied when using ‘USE_MODEL_RENDER_TARGET.’

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R4 beta1 (10/07/2021)


  • OpenGL, D3D9, and D3D11 samples for all platforms with only minimal functionality implemented have been added.
    • This is a sample that displays one model and plays back one motion; dragging the screen moves the model’s line of sight.
  • Added support for OpenGL running on M1 Mac.
  • Added samples for Metal API for iOS.
    • There are some limitations; see the file.


  • The version of DirectXTK for Visual Studio 2017 and 2019 has been updated to jun2021.
  • When downloading DirectXTK, the console has been changed to indicate which version of DirectXTK is being used.
  • The version of the ios-cmake library has been updated to 4.2.0.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the move process to affect other models when multiple models were displayed.  @catCoder
  • Fixed renderer for Cocos2d-x v4.0.
    • Fixed a bug that rendering did not work correctly when USE_RENDER_TARGET was enabled.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R3 (06/10/2021)

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R3 beta1 (05/13/2021)


  • Added samples for Cocos2d-x v4.0.

Deleted items

  • Discontinued the sample for Cocos2d-x v3.x.


  •   Fixed setup scripts for Cocos2d-x.
    • Changed from xcopy to robocopy to allow placement in deeper hierarchies.
  • Fixed a bug in Ⅾ3D11 where the initial window size display was misaligned when scaling was set.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R2 (02/17/2021)


  • Samples for manipulating lip-sync from the waveform of an audio file (.wav) have been added for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Added support for Visual Studio 2019 to the sample project for OpenGL.
  • Sample audio was added to “Haru.”
  • Added margin to the sample for Cocos2d-x to adjust the position of icons and exit buttons on smartphones.


  • Optimized the handling of scripts that set up third-party libraries for Windows.


  • Modified to use the view matrix to calculate the size of the model displayed in the window.

Deleted items

  • Support for Amazon Linux AMI has been discontinued.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native R1 (01/30/2020)


  • Added Linux samples in Cocos2d-x builds.
  • Added Cocos2d-x configuration scripts.


  • iOS samples and Cocos2d-x samples have been changed to use CMake.
  • Cocox2d-x samples have been regenerated to match the Cocox2d-x 3.17.2 template.
    • All platforms can now develop using CMakeLists.txt.
  • The OpenGL iOS sample now supports Objective-C ARC (Automatic Reference Counting).
  • The structure of CMakeLists.txt has been reorganized.
  • Adjusted directory structure.
    • The directory for each build has been renamed from “Demo” to “src.”
    • The directory for managing model data, etc. has been renamed from “Res” to “Resources.”
    • The directory “cocos2d” containing the cocos2d library has been moved into the “thirdParty” directory.
    • Move scripts used in each build to the “scripts” directory
  • Enhanced audio capabilities in Cocos2d-x.
  • Updated third-party libraries.
    • The “GLFW” library used in the OpenGL samples has been updated to 3.3.2.
    • The “DirectXTK” library used in the DirectX 11 sample has been updated to “December 17, 2019.”
  • Changed “minSdkVersion” in Android sample to 16.
    • The device must be Android 4.1 or later to be compatible.


  • Fixed syntax errors when compiling with C++03.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native beta2_1 (11/20/2019)

Only the Cubism Core library will be changed.
Please refer to Core/ in the Cubism SDK for Native distribution package for details.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native beta2 (11/14/2019)


  • Linux was added to the supported platforms.
  • DirectX9.0c and DirectX11 are now supported in Visual Studio 2019 builds.
  • Added macOS build scripts.


  • Improved the introduction of the “GLFW” and “GLEW” libraries used in the OpenGL samples.
  • Added DirectX11 configuration scripts.
  • Changed the character encoding of the source code to UTF-8 with BOM.
  • The CRT option for the Cubism Core library can now be selected when running the Windows build script.

Cubism 4 SDK for Native beta1 (09/04/2019)


  • The “Invert Mask” function is now supported.
  • Added scripts to introduce the “GLFW” and “GLEW” libraries used in the OpenGL samples.
  • Added “.editorconfig” and “.gitattributes” files for file management.
  • “” was added as a file to describe changes.
  • Sample model “Rice” was added. (./Sample/Res/Rice)


  • The version of the GLFW library used in the OpenGL samples has been updated to version 3.3.
  • Android SDK and other libraries have been updated.
  • Adjusted the format of all files to be consistent according to the contents of “.editorconfig.”
  • Cocos2d-x samples now support NDK builds for “arm64-v8a” and “x86.”
  • Changed the folder name “” in “./Samples/Cocos2d-x/Demo/” in Cocos2d-x samples to “”
  • Changed the folder name “cocos2d-x” in “./Samples/Cocos2d-x/” in Cocos2d-x samples to “cocos2d.”
  • Changed “Readme.ja.txt” to “” and adjusted the appearance.
  • Migrated “Package.json,” which describes package information, to YAML format “cubism-info.yml.”
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