Performance Tuning of Cubism SDK for Cocos Creator

Updated: 03/14/2023

This page is for Cubism version 4.2 or earlier. Click here for the latest version.


In the Cubism SDK, the structure of the model may affect its performance in the program.
In addition, because the Live2D SDK for Cocos Creator prioritizes clarity of structure, performance is intentionally sacrificed in some areas.
The following describes the impact of the SDK on performance.

Model Structure

Click here for details.

Project Structure

Cocos Creator event functions
As mentioned above, the Live2D SDK for Cocos Creator prioritizes clarity of structure.
Therefore, the update process for each component is handled from Cocos Creator event functions such as lateUpdate().
This Cocos Creator event function is costly to call.
If multiple models are displayed using the SDK as is, performance may be very poor depending on the execution environment.
If performance is important, it is recommended that the update process for each component be called from a single Controller.
The CubismUpdateController included with the Cubism SDK for Cocos Creator performs similar processing to control the order of execution of Cubism SDK components, so the CubismUpdateController implementation can be used as a reference if the above response is desired.

Click here for more information on CubismUpdateController.

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