Unity? Native? SDK Selection Flowchart

Updated: 01/30/2020

This page is for Cubism version 4.2 or earlier. Click here for the latest version.

I definitely want to use Unity’s Asset Store

-> Only Unity has an Asset Store.

I want to use the GUI for screen design

-> Native SDK is based on screen design using coding.

I can program

-> Native SDK is based on coding. If you can’t program, you are likely to find yourself in many difficult situations.

I want to make deep modifications

-> Unity SDK limits the scope of modification due to the Unity game engine. Native SDK is considered more advantageous to ensure high scalability.

I prefer to use the network to load the models; the easier the better

-> Unity has a feature called AssetBundle that makes it easy to load and manage Live2D models from the server.

I want to follow the way it was made in Live2D Cubism 2.1

-> The Native SDK is designed to follow the production flow of Live2D Cubism 2.1, which is called the Original Workflow.
Cubism 3 SDK for Unity R11 or later and Cubism 4 SDK for Unity also support Original Workflow.

I want the switching of parts and consistency to be performed automatically

-> The Pose function, which automatically maintains the integrity of switching parts, is supported by Native SDK and Cubism 4 SDK for Unity.
Cubism 3 SDK for Unity R11 and earlier versions do not support the Pose function.

I play back the motions one at a time and switch between them with easing

-> In Unity, switching between motions results in a fade with no easing.

I want to blend multiple motions flexibly

-> Unity has a Mecanim feature called BlendTree that blends motions nicely.

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