Cubism Java Framework Change History

Updated: 05/25/2023

Live2D Cubism Java alpha1 Framework Release Page (GitHub)

Change History

The change history is available in directly under the Framework directory of the Cubism SDK for Java distribution package or directly under the CubismJavaFramework repository on the Live2D GitHub. (English only)

Cubism 4 SDK for Java R1 (05/25/2023)


  • Added the ability to check the integrity of MOC3 files.
    • Added the ability to check the integrity with CubismMoc.create().
    • Added the ability to check the integrity before loading models. (CubismUserModel.loadModel())
  • Added the ability to change Multiply Color and Screen Color on a part-by-part basis.


  • Changed access modifiers for CubismExpressionMotion methods.
    Also changed them to a non-final class to allow extension by inheritance.
  • Changed method to get opacity according to the current time of the motion.


  • Refactored code to cache vertex information in the renderer.
    • This change does not affect the operation of this SDK.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash when specifying the number of mask buffers in the second argument of CubismUserModel.setupRenderer() as an integer less than 0.
  • Fixed redundant processing related to renderers to make the code more concise.
  • Optimized the Clipping Mask drawing process.
    • A flag indicating whether or not the mask texture has been cleared has been added to the CubismClippingManagerAndroid class, so that the texture clearing process is called only if the mask texture has not been cleared.

Cubism 4 SDK for Java R1 beta4 (03/16/2023)


  • Fixed several issues related to Cubism Core.
    • See in Cubism Core.

Cubism 4 SDK for Java R1 beta3 (03/10/2023)


  • Added a function to check the integrity of MOC3.

Cubism 4 SDK for Java R1 beta2(2023/01/26)


  • Added a description of the type package to


  • Android SDK API level changed from 31 (Android 12) to 33 (Android 13).
  • Changed the name and package of the CubismRectangle class to type/csmRect to match the SDK for Native.
  • Moved debugging-related constants from the CubismFramework class to the newly created CubismFrameworkConfig class.
  • Changed implementation to hide CubismJsonString from shallow layers. The following functions are affected by this change.
    • ICubismModelSetting.getLayoutMap()
    • CubismModelSettingJson.getLayoutMap()
    • CubismModelMatrix.setupFromLayout()
  • Changed the function name and arguments of createRenderer in CubismUserModel.
    • The enumerated RendererType is now obsolete. Generate the renderer to be used and pass it as an argument to the function.


  • The parsing process of JSON data has been corrected to improve performance.
  • Fixed a bug in which a NullPointerException is thrown if the model has no clipping mask in the setClippingMaskBufferSize function of the CubismRendererAndroid class.

Deleted items

  • Removed unused dependencies.
  • Removed the unused getMotionMap function from ICubismModelSetting and CubismModelSettingJson classes.

Cubism 4 SDK for Java R1 beta1(12/08/2022)


  • Supports high-definition mask expression.
  • An exception is now thrown when a null value is passed to a Setter function.
  • An API has been added that allows users to arbitrarily set culling.
  • Added the ability to arbitrarily increase the number of textures used for masks.
    • Increased the maximum number of masks to “Number of render textures * 32” when using multiple textures for masks when high-definition masks are disabled.


  • Changed the visibility of field variables in CubismClippingContext class from private to public and removed getter and setter functions.
  • Changed the specification of CubismDebug functions for log output to accept a format string as an argument.


  • Changed CubismMath.radianToDirection() to store the calculation result in an instance of CubismVector2 passed by the user as the second argument.
  • Changed the type of cache variable for vertex information used in CubismRendererAndroid.doDrawModel() and CubismClippingManagerAndroid.setupClippingContext() from Map to Array.
    • This change reduces the cost of converting from int to Integer, which used to occur every frame.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented CubismPhysics.updateParticles() and CubismPhysics.updateParticlesForStabilization() from creating instances of CubismVector2.

Cubism 4 SDK for Java R1 alpha1 (10/06/2022)


  • New releases
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